
gū lu
  • wheel;roll
轱辘 [gū lù]
  • (1) [wheel] [口]∶轮,车轮,用金属、木料或其它坚固材料做的圆形构架

  • (2) [roll]∶转;滚动

  • 球轱辘远了

轱辘[gū lu]
  1. 现在看朋友们都给宝宝买后面带一个手柄,可以推,前面是三个轱辘,宝宝可以骑的那种车子,好用吗?

    Now look at my friends baby had been bought back with a handle , you can push in front of three wheel , baby can be the kind of riding a car , use it ?

  2. 把桶推一下就轱辘过来了。

    Give the barrel a push and it 'll roll over here .

  3. 他的车轱辘话说起来没完。

    You 'd never hear the last of his long-winded , repetitious talk .

  4. 汽车冲撞的力量太大以至于SUV一侧的车轱辘掉下来滚到路边。

    The car struck with such force that the SUVs passenger-side wheels ended up on the curb .

  5. 忽然,他的车轱辘轧到了一块大石头上。

    Suddenly his cart 's wheels hit a big stone .

  6. 天津的硬翅蝴蝶和“轱辘锅子”;

    Tianjin hard Wing Butterfly and " wheel pot ";

  7. 住在这个带轱辘的房子里。

    To live in a house with wheels .

  8. 大车轱辘轱辘地驶过。

    The cart rumbled past .

  9. 然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!

    Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball , tires and all !

  10. 另外一名住宿生黄晓峰表示,在垃圾桶下边安装的四个轱辘,可以在远程遥控时使其在屋子里移动。

    Huang Xiaofeng , another roommate , told that four wheels installed under the can help it move around the room by remote control .

  11. 就在那个汽车就要挨着自行车的轱辘的那一瞬间,有一股力量一下子就把自行车拽后去半米多远,然后那个汽车又挨着它的轱辘刹住了。

    At the moment when the Jeep almost ran over the bicycle 's wheels , a force pulled the bike back for over half a meter , then the jeep stopped right at the bike 's wheel .

  12. 考虑的禅师一年前给了考特尼-李一份4年,4800万的合同,这个行为会让人觉得像是轴轱辘。但是这位31岁的得分后卫确实在其他地方会更好,并且尼克斯最好不要支付他的合同。

    This will feel like wheel-spinning , given that Jackson signed Courtney Lee to a four-year , $ 48 million contract less than a year ago , but the 31-year-old shooting guard is better off elsewhere and the Knicks are better off not paying the balance of his deal .