  1. 我也很軎欢你。

    B : I really like you a lot , too .

  2. .好像很多人軎欢詹妮弗。

    A : A lot of people seem to like Jennifer .

  3. 你軎欢这种烹饪方式吗?

    A : Do you like the way the food was cooked ?

  4. 我很軎欢他的歌。

    B : I really love this guy 's songs .

  5. 他是我軎欢的那种类型。

    B : He 's really my type .

  6. 唯一的不同可能是我们旅行的方式不同,我有我的私人飞机来周游世界,我很軎欢,这可能要花点钱。

    The only thing we do is we travel differently , you know , I ride on a little plane , I love it . And that takes money .

  7. 法国的首都以全国各地的特色风味、乳酪和酒著称于世,如果你不知道要叫什么,就看看推荐的菜谱。大厨軎欢在此将他最拿手的菜作一番展示。

    The capital of France boasts every regional specialty , cheese and wine the country has to offer . If you don 't know what to order , ask for the suggested menu.The chef likes to showcase his best dishes there .