
  1. 姚明的经纪人团队近日证实,这位前NBA巨星将参加《越野千里》的中国版。该节目由贝尔主持,上海东方传媒以及亚太探索电视网联合打造。

    Yao 's management team confirmed that the former NBA star will appear in the show 's Chinese version , which will be jointly presented by Grylls , Shanghai Media Group and Discover Asia Pacific .

  2. 贝尔非常受欢迎的电视节目《越野千里》的一大招牌看点就是贝爷带着一众明星嘉宾,徒步穿越野外,生吃各种奇奇怪怪的东西。

    Trekking through wilderness and feeding celebrity guests bizarre foods has been Grylls ' routine in his hit adventure TV series , Running Wild with Bear Grylls .