
  • 网络UHD;Ultra HD
  1. Netflix会推进超高清技术,因为他们希望其流媒体技术可以领先传统媒体和广播商。

    Netflix will push UHD because it wants its streaming technology to leapfrog physical media and traditional broadcasters .

  2. Netflix是最早通过互联网提供超高清视频的顶级服务提供商,通过宽带实现这一功能就是一项赫赫伟绩(而且还不对用户额外收费)。

    Netflix , the first premium service to deliver UHD video over the Internet , has accomplished an impressive feat in making it work over broadband ( at no additional cost to subscribers ) .

  3. 超高清(UltraHD)电视机或曰4K电视机轻而易举地满足了第一个要求。

    Ultra-high-definition , or 4K , television sets meet the first requirement with flying colors .

  4. 在超高清分辨率下,即便是淡定的弗兰西斯・安德伍德(FrancisUnderwood)也会出汗。这是真的。

    Even the unflappable Francis Underwood perspires in ultra high definition .

  5. 今年,该公司计划推出尺寸高达77英寸的超高清OLED电视。

    It plans to introduce curved ultra high-definition OLED TVs as large as 77 inches this year .

  6. 据美国杂志《财富》(Fortune)报道,再上映的《泰坦尼克号》可能是2D版本,也可能是3D版本,但是肯定会以杜比视界(DolbyVision)超高清形式呈现。

    According to Fortune , the movie will be shown in either 2 - or 3-D , and has been remastered in Dolby Vision 's ultra-high-definition format .

  7. 索尼(Sony)、三星(Samsung)、东芝(Toshiba)和LG等公司正竞相推出4K超高清电视。

    Now Sony ( SNE ) , Samsung , Toshiba , and LG are turning to so-called 4K ultra-high-definition sets .

  8. 例如,LG和三星(Samsung)计划推出一系列“超高清”或4K电视。

    For example , LG and Samsung are set to reveal a bunch of " ultra high definition , " or 4K , televisions .

  9. 为了补充Netflix和其他内容商的视频流内容,三星正在销售一款带有五部超高清电影的额外设备,售价299美元。

    To supplement the streams from Netflix and others , Samsung is selling a $ 299 add-on device loaded with five Ultra HD movies .

  10. 索尼(Sony)展示的是一款56英寸大小的超高清OLED电视,但后来没有上市。

    At that show , Sony showed off an Ultra HD OLED , but its screen size measured just 56 inches , and it never came to market .

  11. Netflix的首席产品长内尔&12539;亨特(NeilHunt)对我说,在更多用户使用超高清电视时,即便所有人同时连接流媒体视频也不会对画质造成影响。

    And Netflix 's chief product officer Neil Hunt told me the quality shouldn 't suffer as more people get Ultra HD TVs and all try to stream at the same time .

  12. 当我用三星(Samsung)新款65英寸超高清电视在线收看Netflix的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)时,我可以看到剧中饰演副总统的凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)上唇出汗了。

    Yes , I spotted sweat on the upper lip of Kevin Spacey 's fictitious vice president while streaming Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' on a new 65-inch Ultra HD television from Samsung .

  13. 三星说,比如在5G网络下,用户仅用几秒时间就可以传输一部超高清电影文件。

    With 5G networks , for example , users would be able to send super-high-definition movie files in a matter of seconds , according to Samsung .

  14. 超高清电视(有时又称为4K电视)问世已经有一年多时间了,但目前吸引力还是有限。

    Ultra HD ( sometimes called ' 4K ' ) televisions have been around for more than a year , but until now held limited appeal .

  15. 即使是用一般条件的硬件设备处理32位浮点精确度的超高清素材,Nuke的多线运算、扫描线式渲染引擎也能给特效师快速的回应。

    Even when processing high resolution footage at32-bit floating point precision on modest hardware , NUKE 's multi-threaded , scanline-based rendering engine gives rapid feedback .

  16. 超高清技术又称4K(4000像素的水平方向解析度),此类电视的像素是高清电视的四倍。

    UHDTV technology , also known as 4K ( for 4,000-pixel horizontal resolution ), promises to display four times the number of picture elements as current high-definition TVs .

  17. 这款产品没有采用OLED显示技术,而是使用了标准的LCD技术。三星也将展出一款105英寸的超高清电视产品,分辨率也同样达到5120x2160。

    While the 77-inch TV makes use of an OLED display , the 105-inch model is built with standard LCD technology . Samsung will have a 105-inch Ultra HD TV at CES , too , featuring the exact same 5120 x 2160 resolution .

  18. 由于滑雪杖以及头盔里装有POV动作摄像机,所有体验都能够被捕捉成广角超高清质量的图像,传输到智能手机的屏幕上,或者给Facebook上的朋友观看。

    With point-of-view action cams attached to ski poles and helmets , the whole experience could be captured in wide-angle Ultra HD quality and streamed to a smartphone screen or out to watching friends on Facebook .

  19. 今年LG电子(LGElectronicsCo.)首度带来一项“三项全能”的产品,称将发布一款大小77英寸、分辨率3480x2160超高清曲面OLED电视。

    LG is making the first declaration of awesomeness with a triple threat : The company says it will debut a 77-inch OLED television that will boast the Ultra HD resolution -- 3480 x 2160 pixels -- and a curved screen .

  20. 为了推广公司82英寸的超高清电视能显示出栩栩如生的图像,LG公司建了一个假的办公室,并把电视屏幕放置成一扇窗户的样子。

    To promote just how life-like images appear on the companys 82-inch Ultra HD TV , LG created a fake office in which one of its screen was positioned to look like a window .

  21. 在本届消费电子展上,LG还将展出一款105英寸的曲面超高清电视,分别率5120x2160,屏幕比例21:9,给用户带来超大超宽的屏幕体验。

    On top of the 77-inch OLED TV , LG will also exhibit a 105-inch curved Ultra HD television with a resolution of 5120 x 2160 pixels and feature a 21:9 aspect ratio , giving the insanely large display an extra-wide feel .

  22. 去年7月,索尼推出了一款价格700美元的超高清电视媒体播放器,后来又推出了4K视频下载服务,现在该服务的媒体库中已经有超过140部电影和电视节目。

    In July , Sony rolled out a $ 700 UHDTV media player and later introduced a 4K video download service that now has a library of more than 140 films and TV shows .

  23. 两年后,各大电视厂商又开始集中推广4K电视,也就是超高清电视,但种种情势似乎昭示着历史将很快重演。

    Two years later , the talk began to focus on 4K / Ultra High Definition ( UHD ) sets - and it quickly began to look like history was about to repeat itself .

  24. LG最近开发了一种18英寸的可滚动OLED面板,以及一种同样尺寸的透明OLED面板。该公司对于在2017年前开发一种尺寸超过60英寸、柔性透明超高清OLED显示面板信心十足。

    LG has recently developed an 18-inch rollable OLED panel as well as the same-size transparent OLED panel and is confident that it can develop an UltraHD flexible and transparent OLED panel of more than 60 inches by 2017 .

  25. 就Netflix面临的竞争而言,目前还不清楚亚马逊和M-Go会对超高清视频流怎样收费,也不知道他们具体效果怎样。

    As for Netflix 's competition , it 's not yet clear how much Amazon and M-Go will charge for Ultra HD streaming , or how well they 'll work .

  26. 与此同时,4K电视厂商已经同包括迪斯尼和Netflix在内的内容创造商成立了一个名为超高清联盟的新组织,计划为4K内容及其传输建立标准。

    Meanwhile , 4K / UHD TV manufacturers and content creators , including Disney DIS - 0.53 % and Netflix , have established a new coalition called the UHD Alliance that plans to set standards for 4K content and delivery .

  27. 国际电子消费展所属的消费者技术协会预估,今年售出的20%的电视尺寸将为50英寸或更大(对角尺寸),分辨率也将达到4K超高清。

    The Consumer Technology Association , the trade group behind CES , said one in every five televisions sold this year is expected to be 50 inches or more , measured diagonally , and feature ultra high-definition 4K resolution . 4 .

  28. 不过这并不适合所有用户,因为Netfliex要求至少16MB的宽带才能维持超高清连接。

    It won 't work for everyone because Netflix requires broadband speed of at least 16 megabits to sustain the Ultra HD connection .

  29. 他还提到,公司昨天推出的MiTV3电视机“就像一个手机一样,只是显示器更大了。”该款电视机配备了60英的超高清4K分辨率的显示器,售价还不到800美金。

    He called the MiTV 3 television the company launched yesterday " almost like a phone , except for the bigger display . " The television , which packs a 60-inch super-high resolution 4K display , sells for less than $ 800 .

  30. 构建新一代超高清数字电影放映系统

    The Construction of a new Generation Playing System for Super HD Digital Cinema