
huò liú
  • Cargo flow;traffic;flow of goods
  1. 货流OD表的编制与预测开展快速货运业务问题探讨

    Freight Transportation OD Survey and Prediction The discussion of express freight transportation management production

  2. 由于VR锥形铲斗的耳轴是在铲斗的锥形后部,有效地缩小了耳轴直接接触货流的面积从而减少耳轴牵拉和能量消耗。

    Reduced trunnion drag and energy waste because the trunnions on the VR Taper bucket are positioned on the rear taper effectively reducing the area of the trunnion exposed directly to soil flow .

  3. 九十年代我国区际货流联系的变动趋势基于物流大系统的铁路货运发展对策

    Countermeasures for Railway Freight Transportation Development Based on Big Freight Flow System

  4. 辽宁海运货流与东北区域经济发展

    Liaoning Marine Goods Flow and the Development of North east of China

  5. 物流园区的货流预测研究

    Study of Logistics Park 's Forecasting on Cargo Flow

  6. 货流分布的竞争机会模型

    COMPETITION An Intervening Opportunities Model for Cargo Trip Distribution

  7. 铁路货运总量预测和货流分布预测是铁路货运量预测有机联系的两个方面。

    Freight volume forecast and freight flow distribution forecast are two inseparable aspects .

  8. 区域运输通道是连接城市之间客货流的重要通道。

    The regional transport corridor plays an important role in connecting two cities .

  9. 即期交货很重要,因为这种货流转很快。我将立即办理移交。

    Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a fast turnover in this trade .

  10. 重载列车装车地货流集中与装运方式问题探讨

    A Study on the Assembling of Goods and the Ways of Loading for Heavy-Haul Trains

  11. 主要阐述基于遗传算法原理,采用线性规划中的运输模型,对货流进行最优分配规划。

    It applied linear transport model to implement the optimal allocation planning for cargo flow .

  12. 不考虑腹地货流货量从而影响港口发展战略制定的合理性;

    The unconsidered cargo flow and volume in hinterland has affected the rationality of ports development strategy .

  13. 关于皮带运输机货流断面积的研究

    Research for the Cross - sectional Area of the Material on the Belt of the Belt Conveyor

  14. 研究了农林剩余物物流网络的变权货流分配方法。

    The researches on the freight flow allocation in agricultural and forestry residues logistics network based on variable weights .

  15. 港口状况的改善与国家经济发展息息相关,同时吸引过境运输货流也是重要方面。

    Improvement of the ports closely linked with the national economic development and volume of transit consignment of goods .

  16. 第一,货流从生产者向消费者流动,二是信息流从生产者流向消费者。

    First , goods flow from producers to consumers , and second , the information flow from producers to consumers .

  17. 城市交通网络是城市的血液,承载着城市人流、货流、信息流的循环流动。

    Urban transport network is the blood of the city , which carries urban passenger flow , cargo flow and information flow .

  18. 快速干道网是现代化基础设施的重要组成部分,也是城市间和地区间客货流的主要通道。

    The high - speed arterial highway net is an important part of modern infrastructure and makes up arterial traffic between urbans and regions .

  19. 运用网络流模糊规划方法按最大最小费用流问题对矿石货流进行了合理安排。

    Flows of iron ore imported are arranged reasonably by means of the fuzzy network flow programming method for maximum flow minimum cost problem .

  20. 现在物流要求大型家电连锁企业将信息化与物流结合起来,利用先进的信息技术实行全方位管理,实现现代物流与电子商务紧密结合及货流、资金流、信息流和人才流的统一。

    An overall management can achieve the integration of modern legistics with e-commerce by unifying the how of inventory , cash , information and talents .

  21. 以此为基础,获得变权路径选择方法,进而获得整个物流网络的货流分配最优解。

    Variable weight selection method and the optimal solution to freight flow allocation of the logistics network are obtained based on the calculation . 4 .

  22. 第七部分江苏省内河货流预测,概括的对江苏省主要大宗散货、主要航道货运发展趋势预测进行描述。

    Based on this , the author forecast the main bulk cargo transportation volume and the cargo transportation volume change of the main waterway in Jiangsu .

  23. 煤炭运输作为长距离大宗货物运输的典型代表,在铁路各主要干线的货流密度中比重很大。

    Coal transportation takes a great proportion in the density of the freight flow in the main lines , as a typical representative of long-distance freight transportation .

  24. 特别是近年来,中国正在从贸易大国向贸易强国迈进,产业结构的调整更是通过贸易结构对海运货流结构的变化产生重大影响。

    Especially , China is changing from the big trade country to the power one , meanwhile , the adjustment of industrial structure have a huge effect .

  25. 船型选择就是在特定的航线和货流结构条件下,按照一定的原则和要求进行选择最适宜的船舶类型来从事运输任务,以达到最优的结果。

    Vessel type choosing means , according to some principles and requirements , selecting the most suitable type of vessel to undertake the transportation in a specific route with some cargo volume .

  26. 本文详细讨论了露天矿卡车优化调度的决策方法,建立了最短路网络模型,煤岩货流分配模型。

    The Open Pit Coal Mine truck optimal dispatching decision method is discussed in details in the article , the shortest route model , coal and rock goods current allocation model are built up .

  27. 根据设计,青藏铁路施工总工期为6年,设计输送能力为客车8对,单向货流密度500万吨。

    According to design , the project , which will be completed in six years , will have a capacity of eight pairs of passenger trains and5 million tons in one-way freight transport capacity .

  28. 对分担铁路的货流,特别是承担煤炭、建材等的中短途运输任务,对发展地区经济,加强南北交流,起到了一定的作用。

    It reduces the burden of railway goods transportation , especially for the short and middle distance transportation of coal and building material , mak-certain difference in promoting the district economic and enforcing the north-communication .

  29. 城市交通是从起点到目的地之间人流和货流的运转,通过各种方式进行,利用不同的交通设施,使用不同的能源,并服务于不同的需要。

    Urban transportation is the movements of people and goods from originals to destinations , through which using any kind of trip modes , utilizing different transportation facilities , consuming different energy , and for different purposes .

  30. 根据配送中心内部的物流状况,以及配送中心内部各功能区域的作用,将其内部物流合理的描述为六种典型货流,在此基础上建立优化模型,并设计相应的模拟退火算法进行求解。

    Based on the function of each functional area in distribution central , the material flows were described as six representative flows . An optimization model was presented and a simulated annealing algorithm was developed for the model .