
Designing of Electrified Wire Netting Company 's Treasurer Risk Early Warning System
Pre-warning System of Financial Risks under New Situations
Study on the Establishment of Warning System of Financial Risk for Colleges in Debt
It can correctly forecast and prevent financial risk , reduce shock of security market and promote the benign development .
The main work of this thesis is the theory research and realization method of company financial risk alarm system .
The main function of the financial risk early-warning information system includes login module , software management module , importing model data module , model data entry module , and financial early-warning model analysis module .
It 's important to establish a financial risk early-warning system , for it can send a dangerous signal when a company faces financial risk , and the administrator can take measures to eliminate it and avoid financial failure .
Fourth , to structure financial risk early warning system and financial risk index appraise system go on the discussion this text , put forward and set up corresponding encouragement and tied mechanism , take precautions against the financial risk .
Financial risk early warning system is a financial analysis system which is in financial risk control , establishing some scientific and sensitive financial indicators , by observing the changes in which , it can predict financial risk which may or will be facing .
Software Analysis and Design for Enterprise Financial Risk Early-Warning System
Establish the measurement and alarming system of financial risk ;
So financial crisis alarm system is an important part of company ′ s financial risk management .
Because of the low Z value in Chinese enterprises , the financial risk monitoring and crisis warning system in our country should be established based on the realities in China .
The third part introduces the basic characteristics , according to these characteristics , lists the financial risk of the enterprise of relevant highway , showing the necessity of researching warning system .
Overall , this paper has important guiding significance to improve the theory of financial early warning risks , to broaden the object of study of financial risk early warning system , effectively monitor and guard against college financial risks .
Based upon the exploring of some inducements which arose financial risks , this article gives a discussion upon the necessity to establish an early-warning system and puts forwards a framework of the multinational enterprise groups ' early-warning system .
Including establishing a sound financial risk early-warning framework , establishing the short-term financial risk early-warning system which puts cash flow at the core of the system and establishing a multi-dimensional long-term financial risk early-warning system .
It is mainly a analysis on the general situation of financial risk management , the major forms of financial risk management and SOX framework system of internal control ; Fourth , problems existing in financial risk management of China mobile branches .
The article analyzed the background in which financial risks in universities occur , established much angle fields of risk observation points , designed risk indexes , established effective risk early warning system to forecast the financial risks promptly and scientifically .
From the view of finance administration , the formative reason , the model , and its measure method of finance risk , are help to the company recognize the finance risk , construct the alarm system of risk , and prevent and control its happening .