
  1. 电网公司财务风险预警系统设计

    Designing of Electrified Wire Netting Company 's Treasurer Risk Early Warning System

  2. 新形势下的财务风险预警系统

    Pre-warning System of Financial Risks under New Situations

  3. 高校负债经营中财务风险预警系统的建立探讨

    Study on the Establishment of Warning System of Financial Risk for Colleges in Debt

  4. 财务风险预警系统能帮助企业正确地预测、防范财务危机,减少资本市场的震荡和促进企业的良性发展。

    It can correctly forecast and prevent financial risk , reduce shock of security market and promote the benign development .

  5. 本文着重研究企业财务风险预警系统建立的理论和方法。

    The main work of this thesis is the theory research and realization method of company financial risk alarm system .

  6. 财务风险预警系统主要分为五个功能模块:软件登录,软件管理,模型数据导入,模型数据录入和财务风险预警模型分析。

    The main function of the financial risk early-warning information system includes login module , software management module , importing model data module , model data entry module , and financial early-warning model analysis module .

  7. 建立上市公司的财务风险预警系统,在公司面临财务风险的时候发出预警信号,从而使管理者可以及时采取措施,化解财务风险,避免财务失败。

    It 's important to establish a financial risk early-warning system , for it can send a dangerous signal when a company faces financial risk , and the administrator can take measures to eliminate it and avoid financial failure .

  8. 第四,本文对构建财务风险预警系统和财务风险指标评价体系进行了探讨,并提出建立相应的激励与约束机制,防范财务风险。

    Fourth , to structure financial risk early warning system and financial risk index appraise system go on the discussion this text , put forward and set up corresponding encouragement and tied mechanism , take precautions against the financial risk .

  9. 财务风险预警系统是在财务风险控制中,设立一些科学化的敏感性财务指标,通过观察这些指标的变化,对可能或将要面临的财务风险进行预测的一种财务分析系统。

    Financial risk early warning system is a financial analysis system which is in financial risk control , establishing some scientific and sensitive financial indicators , by observing the changes in which , it can predict financial risk which may or will be facing .

  10. 企业财务风险预警软件系统的分析与设计

    Software Analysis and Design for Enterprise Financial Risk Early-Warning System

  11. 建立财务风险衡量和预警系统;

    Establish the measurement and alarming system of financial risk ;

  12. 财务风险管理的危机预警系统是企业财务风险管理体制的重要组成部分。

    So financial crisis alarm system is an important part of company ′ s financial risk management .

  13. 所以应就目前我国的实际情况,建立符合我国的财务风险监测与危机预警系统。

    Because of the low Z value in Chinese enterprises , the financial risk monitoring and crisis warning system in our country should be established based on the realities in China .

  14. 第三部分根据高速公路经营企业的基本特征,列举了有关高速公路经营企业的财务风险,列举了进行财务风险预警系统研究的必要性。

    The third part introduces the basic characteristics , according to these characteristics , lists the financial risk of the enterprise of relevant highway , showing the necessity of researching warning system .

  15. 本文旨在完善财务风险预警理论、拓宽财务风险预警系统的研究对象、有效监控并防范高校财务风险。

    Overall , this paper has important guiding significance to improve the theory of financial early warning risks , to broaden the object of study of financial risk early warning system , effectively monitor and guard against college financial risks .

  16. 基于对跨国企业集团财务风险诱因的分析,讨论了跨国企业集团建立财务风险预警系统的问题,提出了财务风险预警系统的基本框架。

    Based upon the exploring of some inducements which arose financial risks , this article gives a discussion upon the necessity to establish an early-warning system and puts forwards a framework of the multinational enterprise groups ' early-warning system .

  17. 如建立完善的财务风险预警框架,建立以现金流为核心的短期财务风险预警系统和建立多维度的财务风险长期预警系统。

    Including establishing a sound financial risk early-warning framework , establishing the short-term financial risk early-warning system which puts cash flow at the core of the system and establishing a multi-dimensional long-term financial risk early-warning system .

  18. 主要从财务风险管理概况、财务集中管理与风险控制、内控框架体系分析、财务风险预警系统的措施进行了重点分析;四、中国移动分公司财务风险管理存在的问题。

    It is mainly a analysis on the general situation of financial risk management , the major forms of financial risk management and SOX framework system of internal control ; Fourth , problems existing in financial risk management of China mobile branches .

  19. 分析了我国高校财务风险产生的背景,提出应多角度设置风险观测点,设计风险指标,建立有效的高校财务风险预警系统,对高校财务风险进行及时、科学的预警。

    The article analyzed the background in which financial risks in universities occur , established much angle fields of risk observation points , designed risk indexes , established effective risk early warning system to forecast the financial risks promptly and scientifically .

  20. 从理财角度分析财务风险的成因,划分财务风险种类,确定财务风险的度量方法,有利于企业识别财务风险,建立财务风险预警系统,控制财务风险,防止财务风险的发生。

    From the view of finance administration , the formative reason , the model , and its measure method of finance risk , are help to the company recognize the finance risk , construct the alarm system of risk , and prevent and control its happening .