
chǎn yú
  • flatter;fawn on;sweet talk;toady
谄谀 [chǎn yú]
  • [sweettalk;toady;flatter] 谄媚阿谀

  • 谄谀取容

谄谀[chǎn yú]
  1. 他对这种假惺惺的谄谀不屑一顾。

    He is above the insincere flattery .

  2. 啊,美呀,在爱中找你自己吧,不要到你镜子的谄谀去找寻。

    O Beauty , find thyself in love , not in the flattery of thy mirror .

  3. 而无疑地,情人是比这为首的谄谀者还厉害的。

    Certainly , the lover is more .

  4. 在专制主义的封建社会中,最容易衍生谄谀的小人。

    In the feudal society of absolutism , derive the Lilliputian of flatter the most easily .
