
  • 网络regulator
  1. 很有趣的,在调整者,接受了我们的参数之后,但是在当时,那对于拯救Yankee电站来说已经晚了。

    Interestingly enough , subsequently the regulators did accept our arguments but at that point it was much too late to save the Yankee plant .

  2. 总经理唐布兰肯希普说公司损失了改变和生产力,由于联邦矿业调整者的严格执行。

    CEO Don Blankenship said the company lost shifts and productivity because of tougher enforcement by federal mining regulators .

  3. 很明显,有很多其他的通信,在Yankee和调整者之间。

    And obviously there 's lots of other correspondence between Yankee and the regulator .

  4. 当被调整者在睡觉时可以调整吗?

    Can someone be adjusted be he or she is sleeping ?

  5. 前项时程规划,因政策及特殊考虑调整者,另行公告之。

    The preceding schedule shall be changed by policy and announced by the ministry .

  6. 服务的提供者与利益的调整者的关系;

    The relation of the contributor of serving with the regulator of the benefit ;

  7. 这个财政方案似乎就是故意要造成不可收拾的经济局面,令即便是支持中期财政调整者也不由得心生犹豫。

    This fiscal package was purposely designed to be extremely unpleasant for the economy – even for one that needs medium-term fiscal consolidation .

  8. 就政府的角色定位而言,政府不能充当风险投资市场的行为者,而是应当作为过程政策的调整者和监督者发挥作用。

    The government is not only the actor in the venture investment market , but also the policy - adjuster and market - supervisor .

  9. 调整者同意和美国白内障和屈光联合会合作,大规模的对病人的术后生活质量进行研究。

    Regulators have agreed to work with the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery on a large-scale study of patients'quality of life after surgery .

  10. 伯南克说银行业务调整者有压力要使更多的贷款面向小企业,小企业雇佣超过一半美国人工人。

    Bernanke said banking regulators were applying pressure to get more credit flowing to small businesses , who hire more than half of American workers .

  11. 一小部分的病人抱怨他们的视力被手术造成了不可挽回的损害。多年后,调整者同意举行一次会议。

    Regulators agreed to hold the meeting after years of complaints from a small group of patients who say their eyesight has been irreparably damaged by the surgery .

  12. 上周,中国外汇调整者要求美国保护投资者利益,因为立法者在如何减少国家赤字方面还有不平等。

    China , s foreign exchange regulator last week called on the US to protect investor interests as lawmakers remained at odds over how to slash the country , s deficit .

  13. 我们要调整参赛者的顺序。

    We 're changing the order of our competitors .

  14. 其次,和旅行社合作开发林芝专线旅游,在旅游产品开发时就从时间和空间上调整旅游者的分布。

    Secondly , and travel agents to develop Nyingchi green tourism , tourism product development from the time and space to adjust the distribution of tourists .

  15. 文章就公路工程管理行为、存在的问题及对策进行分析,并为进一步规范、调整三者之间关系提供了相应的对策与建议。

    The analysis on performance of highway project management , problems and their countermeasures were conducted in this article , and provide with some corresponding suggestions for further regulating and adjusting the relationship between three parties .

  16. 7.关于渡船的未来调整计划通勤者有何反应?

    Question 7.How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry ?

  17. 根据生活费用的提高,公司已决定调整自由职业者的酬金。

    The company had decide to review freelance payment in the light of the rising cist of living .

  18. 稳定并扩大汽车销售,同时鼓励地方政府调整对购车者的限制。

    Auto sales will be stabilized and expanded , while local authorities will be encouraged to adjust restrictions on buyers .

  19. 在对失业的影响因素分析中,本文探讨了经济增长、城乡收入差距大、产业结构调整这三者对就业的影响作用。

    Among the determinants of unemployment , this thesis discussed the impacts of economic growth , urban-rural income gap and the industry structural adjustment on employment .

  20. 财务治理就是通过这种配置来调整利益相关者在财务体制中的地位,从而提高公司治理效率的一系列动态制度安排。

    Financial governance uses this configuration to adjust the status of the stakeholders in the financial system , thereby enhancing the efficiency of the dynamic system of corporate governance arrangements .

  21. 根绝市场的情况、根据社会文化变化的条件,来调整这个决策者的行为,从而分析这个演化博弈的过程是否合理。

    The market situation , according to the need for social and cultural changes of the conditions of this decision makers to adjust act , to analyze the evolution process of a process is reasonable .

  22. 作为优化企业治理结构、企业进行资产结构调整和管理者实现企业家理想的一种途径,管理层收购对我国企业改革有着十分重要的现实意义。

    As a way to optimize corporate governance 、 adjust asset structure of enterprise and help an administrator realize his entrepreneur - ideal . Management Buyout has very important and realistic significance for enterprise reform of our country .

  23. 而且,上市公司治理的许多问题往往表现为财务治理问题,公司财务治理是以财权的配置为核心来调整利益相关者在财务体制中的地位和作用,是提高公司治理效率的一种制度安排。

    And a lot of questions that the listed company governance are often shown as the financial governance questions , company financial governance regard financial governance arrangement as the core so as to adjust the status and function of the financial system of stakeholders .

  24. “调查研究”和“经济调整”二者在实践中形成良性互动,同时二者的实践还使全党重新恢复了实事求是的理性传统,进一步证明实事求是思想路线对党的各项事业的重要作用。

    In practice , the two complemented each other , and they both helped to return the Party to its theoretical tradition of seeking truth from facts , and further clarified the important role of seeking truth from facts in all the Party 's endeavors .

  25. 决策机制以公共协商为主要形式,重视调整利益相关者的不同需求;拨款机制以政府投入为主,同时引入了公私伙伴项目。质量保障机制拥有一套完整的程序,并且重视对私立高校的认证。

    Policy making mechanism value adjusts different demands from stakeholders by means of public liberation ; Funding mechanism mostly relies on government finance , while inducing public and private partnership program ; Quality assurance possesses a set of complete procedures , and emphasizes accreditation of private higher education institutions .

  26. 新增加的耕地构成中,开荒仍是目前耕地增加的主要来源,其次是农业结构调整,二者分别占耕地总增加量的71.92%和21.88%。

    Among the newly added structure of cultivated land , reclamation of abandoned land is the main source of cultivated land increase at present , and the adjustment of agricultural structure is the second , which respectively account for 71.92 % and 21.88 % of the total increased cultivated land .

  27. 考虑到人的调整:保护脆弱者和促进增长

    Adjustment with a Human Face : Protecting the Vulnerable and Promoting Growth

  28. 调整绝对是内向者的关键所在。

    In fact , recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts .

  29. 参与性贫困评估和扶贫战略的调整:来自贫困者的声音

    Participatory Poverty Assessment and Its Implication to Poverty Reduction Policy : Voice from the Poor

  30. 第五部分有针对性地提出了对布局调整中利益受损者补偿机制的构建。

    The fifth part puts forward the construction of the compensation mechanism to the disadvantaged groups .