
  • 网络Equipment comprehensive management;Total plant management
  1. 设备综合管理的理论

    Theory of Total Plant Management for Equipment

  2. 设备综合管理的理论第一章归纳综合可持续发展理论的核心内容。

    Theory of Total Plant Management for Equipment On the other hand , economy is the precondition of sustainable development .

  3. 基于web的特种设备综合管理信息系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Web Based the Special Equipment Integrated Management System

  4. 基于Internet的建筑设备综合管理远程实验平台

    A Remote Monitoring Experimental Platform of Building Management System Based on Internet

  5. 介绍应用VISUALFOXPRO6.0开发设备综合管理系统软件的设计、技术特点及其使用

    This paper introduces the application of Visual FoxPro 60 to developing the equipment comprehensive management system software , its design and technologic features as well as the operation method

  6. 抚顺石化设备综合管理平台的开发及应用

    Development and Application of Equipments Complex Management Platform for Fushun Petrochemical Company

  7. 提高港口设备综合管理能力的研究

    Study of Improving Comprehensive Management Ability on the Harbor Facilities

  8. 矿业集团机电设备综合管理网络的设计与实现

    Design and realization of electromechanical equipment comprehensive management network of mining industry group

  9. 建立企业设备综合管理体系的探讨

    Building the System of Enterprise Equipment Comprehensive Management

  10. 应用设备综合管理提高企业效益

    Improving Efficiency of Enterprises with Overall Equipment Management

  11. 设备综合管理信息系统新型程控交换机话务员服务座席系统

    Service Seating System for New Programme Controlled Exchange

  12. 提高设备综合管理水平,促进安全生产

    Improving Comprehensive Management of Equipment for Safe Production

  13. 基于C/S模式的设备综合管理信息系统的开发及应用

    Development and Implementation of an Equipment Multi-Purpose Management System Based on C / S

  14. 设备综合管理工程研究(Ⅰ)

    Research on Comprehensive Management Engineering of Plants (ⅰ)

  15. 设备综合管理信息系统离心式排种装置

    Used Equipment The multi-purpose management information system

  16. 设备综合管理系统软件的开发应用

    Developing of Equipment Comprehensive Management System Software

  17. 设备综合管理信息系统末制导雷达通用检测设备测控软件的设计

    Design of the Testing and Control Software of General Testing System for Terminal Guidance Radar

  18. 介绍了设备综合管理的定义、内容,以及在设备管理中的应用。

    Definition and contents of overall equipment management and its application in equipment management are introduced .

  19. 广东高要河台金矿在15年的生产经营管理实践中,逐渐摸索并总结出一套适合矿山企业设备综合管理方面的实用经验,供广大同仁参考。

    We summarized some practical experience , which suit to mine equipment comprehensive management , during our 15-year-production practice .

  20. 根据某汽车零部件公司的需求,研发了基于C/S模式的设备综合管理信息系统。

    According to the requirement of one auto portion manufacturing , an equipment multi-purpose management system based on C / S was developed .

  21. 本文基于对高校实验设备综合管理现状的分析,综合应用管理学、应用数学及经济学的基本理论与方法,从微观角度针对设备的配置、维护、采购环节中产生经济性影响的要素进行研究。

    , a systematic study on the key economic influence factors in the process of apparatus disposition , maintenance and procurement in a microscopic view is carried out .

  22. 针对江铃汽车股份有限公司的需求,依据现代设备综合管理的思想,建立了一套满足企业要求的计算机设备维护管理系统。

    Aiming at the requirement of Jiangling Motors Co. , Ltd. , according to modern idea of equipment synthesis management , a computerized equipment maintenance management system is built up .

  23. 介绍了电厂设备综合管理计算机信息系统的现状和未来,以及设备综合管理的概念、特点。

    This paper discusses the present situation of the computer information system and the future of comprehensive equipment management both in China and abroad . The idea and feature of comprehensive equipment management are described .

  24. 本文介绍了一种由PLC与个人计算机组成网络的自动控制系统,通过上位机与下位机之间的通讯实现对各生产设备的综合管理与自动控制,并将该系统应用到变电站中。

    This paper primarily introduces the automatic control system . As a network system compose of computer and PLC , this control system accomplishes the function of comprehensive management and automatic control by communication . This paper also supplies application of this system in transformer stations .

  25. 浅谈如何提高机械设备的综合管理水平

    Discussion on how to Improve the Overall Management Level of Plant

  26. 高压电力设备综合诊断管理系统研究

    Research of Synthetic Diagnosis and Management System for Power Equipment

  27. 钼金属生产进口设备的综合管理探讨

    Discussion on Integrated Management of the Imported Facility for Molybdenum Metal Production

  28. 科研仪器设备的综合管理

    Comprehensive management of the instruments and equipment used for scientific research and development

  29. 医院固定资产中医疗设备的综合管理

    Integrated Management of Medical Equipment in Hospital Fixed Assets

  30. 机载机电设备综合控制管理系统任务分配研究

    Study of Task Assignment of Aircraft Onboard Machine Electronic Equipment Control and Management Integrated