
shè bèi bào fèi
  • Equipment scrapping;retirement of equipment
  1. 目的:规范医疗设备报废和处置管理。

    Objective To standardize scrap and process management of the medical equipment .

  2. 耳轴磨损是导致钢铁水包设备报废的重要原因。

    Ear abrasion is a important uneffectual reason in iron and steel can .

  3. 在油田生产中,常因腐蚀而使部分采油、输油设备报废。

    In production of oil field , a lot of equipments were discarded because of corrosion .

  4. 本文介绍某制造厂焊制中温变换炉时,一些关键工艺环节失控,导致设备报废。本文对焊制失效的原因进行探讨和分析。

    In this paper , failure analysis is made for a rejected moderate temperature convertor due to the failures in key technologies in welding process .

  5. 本文对医疗设备报废工作中的现实问题进行了分析,并就适当修正医疗设备的报废原则和报废标准提出了具体建议。

    This paper analysis the realistic problems in the work of scrapping medical devices , and put forward some concrete amendments for scrapping principles and standards of medical devices .

  6. 焊接结构在复杂和苛刻的条件下长期工作会出现裂纹、磨损或损坏,严重时甚至导致设备报废。

    Weld structure may appear flaw , wear or damage when worked under the complex and rigorous condition for a long time , which eyen lead equipments into waster .

  7. 抓好医疗设备的报废处理。

    To tackle the rejected old equipment better .

  8. 其次,资本存量会遭受永久性打击。有些厂房和设备过早报废,而其它公司难以投资于可行的项目,因为银行为巩固自身财务状况而收紧了信贷。

    Second , the capital stock takes a permanent knock as some plant and equipment is scrapped prematurely , while other companies struggle to invest in viable projects because banks restrict credit to shore up their finances .

  9. 系统还可以通过设备维修、报废、设备故障记录等信息的反馈进行设备的优化配置。

    System can also be through the maintenance of equipment , scrap , equipment failure records of information feedback to optimize the configuration of the equipment .

  10. 在设备最佳更新报废时机的确定方面,通过设备已发生的费用分析和所建立的费用模型,通过经济分析的手段,运用寿命周期费用分析的方法确定设备最佳更新报废时机。

    Using the cost models and means of economics analysis and life cycle cost means in the decision of the best time of waste or renew of equipment .

  11. 分别计算了含表面裂纹和埋藏裂纹的臂架结构的疲劳寿命,得到了相应的临界条件,为设备维修和报废提供依据。

    The fatigue life of boom including surface crack or buried crack is computed . It can provide a basis for equipment maintenance and scrap based on the critical condition got .

  12. 因此,有必要在报废汽车处理过程中使用一些辅助工具或设备来提高报废汽车的处理效率、减轻工人劳动强度、提高有价值件回收率。

    Therefore it is necessary to develop some auxiliary tools and equipment to process the scrap automobiles in order to improve efficiency and recycle rate of valuable products and to reduce labor intensity of workers .

  13. 经营者仍可继续使用在规章生效前购买的原料和设备,直至其报废或更换。

    Food business operators may continue to use stocks and equipment that they ordered before the entry into force of this Regulation until they are exhausted or require replacement .

  14. 冲蚀磨损是工业生产中常见的一种磨损破坏现象,也是很多机器设备、零部件磨损报废,使用寿命减少的主要原因。

    The Cavitation and Abrasion Damage Condition of Hydraulic Turbine and Countermeasures in China Erosive wear is common phenomenon in industrial production . It is also the main cause of the equipment parts damage .

  15. 完成了资产管理模块、数据查询模块、设备调拨模块以及设备报废和维修模块的开发,形成了统一的高校设备管理系统。

    Completed the asset management module , data query module , equipment module and equipment obsolescence and allocation of maintenance modules developed to form a unified device management system of colleges and universities .

  16. 磨损不仅消耗能源和花费材料、降低设备运转效率,而且加速设备报废、导致部件更换频繁,造成极大的经济损失。

    Abrasion not only consumes the energy and materials and decreases the equipment efficiency , but also accelerates the equipments discard and causes the parts replacement frequently and big economy loss .

  17. 从设备引进、设备使用、设备维修、设备报废、报废后处理等各个环节采取有效措施,加强医疗设备的整体化管理,让有限的医疗设备资源发挥最大的效益。

    In order to improve integrative management of medical equipment , effective measures are taken in equipment purchase , use , maintenance , scrapping and scrappage disposal , which can bring the limited medical equipment resource into full play .

  18. 人员培训、操作规程的订立和执行、设备的维护保养,后期管理为设备的淘汰报废管理。

    Later stage management is the one of obsolete and scrapped equipment and facilities .

  19. 加强医疗设备的管理,防止固定资产的流失,搞好设备报废管理至关重要。

    In order to strengthen the medical equipment management and prevent the lose of fixed assets , the obsolete equipment management becomes more important .

  20. 制造整台新设备时间上不允许,采用常规的方法又无法修复该设备,导致设备面临报废及装置可能长时间停车。

    There is no enough time to manufacture a new condenser , and to adopt the normal method can not repair this equipment , this equipment face a crisis of long time reject .

  21. 开发了设备管理系统中的设备明细统计、设备档案管理、设备点验、设备调拨、设备报废等模块,实现了相应功能。

    Developing the equipment detailed statistics , file management , equipment check , equipment allocation and scrap equipment . It realize the corresponding function .

  22. 摩擦磨损是机械设备失效的主要原因之一,大约80%的零件失效是由于各种形式的磨损引起的,磨损不仅消耗能源和材料,而且加速设备报废、导致频繁更换零件,对经济造成极大的损失。

    Friction and wear are the primary reasons of 80 % invalidation in mechanical equipments , as a result of a huge economy loss , which not only waste energy and resource but also accelerate the equipments discarded and replaced .