
  • 网络equipment type
  1. 35kV变电所电气设备布置型式分析与比较

    35 kV Substation Electrical Equipment Layout Pattern Analysis and Comparison

  2. 通过对利用CAE软件设计的新型挤压式磁系和创新设备结构型式的研究,设计了新型大颗粒磁选机,并通过试验验证了其性能。

    A novel large particle magnetic separator has been designed by use of new type of extrusion magnet assembly designed with help of CAE software and through research carried on the structure of this renovated equipment .

  3. 为了检验本文设计的EPA-100自动化监控系统能否适应船舶特殊环境,需要按照船级社的规定,做了EPA-100系列设备的型式认可试验。

    In order to test whether this design of EPA-100 automatic monitoring system being able to adapt to special circumstances the ship needs in accordance with the provisions of classification societies , making EPA-100 series of equipment type approval testing .

  4. 比较系统地论述了冷轧带钢电解碱洗的机理、设备结构型式、生产工艺以及各种因素对电解碱洗效果的影响

    The mechanism , equipment configuration and processing of electrolytic alkaline cleaning for cold rolled strip were systemically discussed as well as the influence factors on the effect of cleaning

  5. 投标者应按本规格书的要求,向招标者提供工厂试验报告,有关设备的型式试验报告,同时提供设备的使用和测试说明书。

    The bidder shall submit to the tenderee the factory test report , the type report of relevant equipment as well as the operation and testing instructions of the equipment according to the requirements of the specifications .

  6. 制订JB/T8713&1998《机械式停车设备类别、型式与基本参数》的原则是按其主要运动方式,使其有较大的包容性且简单好记,而不是简单地引用现有机械设备名称。

    The principles for establishing the standard of JB / T 8713 & 1998 《 Mechanical Parking Systems Classification , models and basic parameters 》 include classification by major motion mode , good compatibility , easy to remember and right quotation of existing nomenclature .

  7. 比较大功率整流设备电联结型式。

    The linking forms in rectifier are compared .

  8. 化工设备局部结构型式选优设计优舍选法

    Optimum Design of Local Structure in Process Equipment

  9. 车架是汽车的主要承载构件,其功用是承担来自车辆内外的各种载荷,连接汽车的各大总成及各种车用设备,结构型式主要取决于汽车的总布置要求。

    The frame is the main bearing member of automobile , its function is to bear the various loads from inside and outside , to connect the major assembly and all kinds of vehicle equipment , structure mainly depends on the automobile layout requirements .

  10. 真空高压气淬设备不同风道流动型式的数值模拟

    The Flow Numeric Simulation of Different Wind Tunnel Structure in Vacuum High-pressure Gas Quenching Furnace

  11. 孔洞、缝隙的泄漏是影响屏蔽效果的主要原因,因此,电子设备结构设计的型式将直接影响屏蔽效能。

    The leak of aperture is the main reason which affects the shielding effect . Therefore , the structure design of electronic equipment will directly affect its shielding effect .

  12. 介绍了微机变频给水设备的几种结构型式和施工安装方法,并与传统压力罐供水设备进行比较,证明新设备具有应用推广价值。

    This paper introduces several structure forms and construction installation method of computer transduce water works , compares it with the traditional pressure pot water works and proves the new works that has application and development value .

  13. 如技术规格书中有要求,投标人也应提供投标设备或类似设备的型式试验报告。

    If specified in the technical specifications , the bidder shall also provide report of type approval test for bidding equipment or similar equipment .

  14. 本文简要介绍锅炉炉膛安全监控系统的功能和主要设备的性能,其中包括火焰检测器、点火器、程序控制装置等设备的型式和性能比较。

    A brief description was given to the functions and performances of the boiler furnace safety supervisory system .