
  • 网络neuilly;Neuilly-sur-Seine
  1. 洛林·瓦伦科夫·马泽尔于1930年3月6日出生在巴黎郊区的塞纳河畔讷伊,父母都是在那里学习音乐的美国学生,其中父亲林肯·马泽尔(LincolnMaazel)是一名歌手,母亲玛丽·瓦伦科夫·马泽尔(MarieVarencoveMaazel)是一名钢琴家。

    Lorin Varencove Maazel was born in the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine on March 6 , 1930 , to a pair of American music students - Lincoln Maazel , a singer , and Marie Varencove Maazel , a pianist - who were studying there .

  2. 大家便那样走过了古尔内和马恩河畔讷伊。

    Thus they passed Gournay and neuilly-sur-marne .

  3. 他在利穆赞的乡下有一所小公寓,而萨科齐先生的居所位于巴黎豪华的郊区讷伊,这就像一个住在阿肯色州,一个住在纽约的上东区。

    He is head of a rural department , Corr è ze , which is to Mr Sarkozy 's fief in Neuilly , a swanky Paris suburb , rather as Arkansas is to New York 's Upper East Side .