
dìnɡ huò zhōu qī
  • ordering cycle
  1. 利用该模型不仅可以求解在给定库容条件下,零售商品的最优订货周期和最优订货批量,而且还可以利用灵敏度分析的结果对库容进行决策。

    After giving the capacity the optimal ordering cycle and the optimal ordering quantity of the retail goods can be determined by the model , and the results of sensitivity analysis can be used in capacity decision .

  2. 供应商基于零售商订货数量、订货周期以及订货费用的不同来选择合适的支付策略来刺激零售商增加订货量。

    Suppliers select right payment strategy to stimulate retailers increasing ordering quantity based on the differences of retailers ' ordering quantity , ordering cycle and ordering cost .

  3. 持续改进,不断探讨订货周期的缩短及订货方式的改进。

    Continuously improvement in shortening the order leadtime and purchasing method .

  4. 基于不同订货周期策略的库存路径问题研究

    Study on the inventory routing problem based on different replenishment interval strategy

  5. 它们提供的产品均价格昂贵,订货周期长。

    The products are expensive , long order cycle .

  6. 测绘进口刀具,实现国产刀具替代进口刀具降低生产成本,缩短订货周期。

    Through Mapping imports knives , the homemade tool can achieve import substitution tool to reduce production costs , and shorten order cycle .

  7. 在经营层面,预测市场需求准确性差和订货周期长,市场响应度低,库存严重;

    In the aspect of operation , uncertainty of predicted market demands and long-term product order , low market response , and serious overstock ;

  8. 并结合算例采用计算机仿真求出了最优订货周期和订货批量,从而证明了模型的正确性。

    Then though an example , it determined the optimal period and producing quantity by using Simulation Technology , thus the model proves to be correct .

  9. 该协调运用了共同补给期和分担运输费用的双重策略,分别从订货周期及年需求量的角度协调供应链订货。

    To coordinate order cycle as well as annual demand efficiently in the supply chain , two strategies were proposed : Common Replenishment Epochs ( CRE ) and split of total freight .

  10. 在所提出的库存协调策略条件下,供应商指定共同补给期,当零售商按供应商指定的共同补给期作为其订货周期时,供应商提供零售商一定的价格折扣。

    Under the proposed policy , the supplier specifies common replenishment periods . The supplier offers the retailer a price discount while the retailer 's replenishment period is in harmony with the supplier 's.

  11. 在这种条件下,本文研究零售商和供应商的最优交货时间和最优订货周期问题,给出了近似的最优解,并用数值方法分析了对交货时间的控制给供应商和给零售商带来的和益处和损失。

    In this case , the paper investigates the optimal lead-time and order cycle time , meanwhile analysis that the lead-time is likely to bring the supplier and the retailer profits and losses by numerical data .

  12. 而库存控制问题一直是逆向物流中重要的研究领域,如何管理库存,减少库存成本,提出最佳的订货周期以及产品的回收周期是库存控制问题里的重要研究内容。

    The inventory control is an important area in the reverse logistics research , how to manage inventory , reduce inventory costs , order the best of the recovery cycle and product cycle are important too .

  13. 大庆测井公司在2005-2006年先后有5套发射探头停用,而从美国订货周期为2年甚至更长,特别在2006年后由于美方市场保护政策,供货周期大大延长。

    In Daqing Well Logging Company , five sets of transmitting detector were broken successively during 2005 ~ 2006 . The period of ordering from USA is 2 years or even longer , which has been prolonged after the market protection of USA since 2006 .

  14. 通过成功的企业案例证明采取快速反应系统将彻底消除批量效应,大大缩短了最终顾客订货配送周期,降低了费用,并通过高速运输的方式满足顾客订货要求;

    By successful cases , it testifies that using quick response system will eliminate the effect of order quantity thoroughly , greatly shorten order distribution cycle , decrease cost and satisfy the require of customers by fast transport .

  15. 伴随着制造企业之间的竞争由质量竞争、规模竞争逐渐转向速度竞争,企业若要赢得市场,其中一个极其重要的因素就是缩短从订货到交货的周期。

    As the competition of manufacturing enterprises gradually turning to speed competition from quality and scale competition , how to shorten the lead time is the primary factor to gain market for enterprise .

  16. 结果表明,与经典的EOQ订货模型相比,该模型的订货周期、订货数量及订货平均成本都有不同程度的增加。

    Results indicates that the period , quantity and average costs of the extended EOQ model are bigger than classical EOQ model .

  17. 企业引入信息化技术,重新设计整个的研发、生产、销售和售后服务的流程,对整个订货流程进行计算机化管理,改造订货配送流程,实现了订货配送周期的缩短。

    The thesis also testifies that by using information technology to redesign the process of the entire research and development 、 production 、 sale and after service 、 manage all order process with computers and reconstruct order distribution process , corporations make the order distribution cycle become shorter than ago .

  18. 美军服装订货和供应系统采用传统的经济订货量(再订货点)法和分发中心供货.由于生产厂不能预测订货周期和数量,很难计划生产;

    The current military clothing ordering and distribution system employs the traditional economic order quantity ( reorder point ) method and maintains distribution centers . Since the manufacturer cannot predict the order frequency and amount , it is difficult to plan production .