
pì yù
  • metaphor;analogy;simile;figure of speech;admonish;adverse
譬喻 [pì yù]
  • (1) [metaphor;simile;analogy;figure of speech]∶比喻,例如

  • (2) [admonish;adverse]∶劝说

  • 也叫阿妈来譬喻他几番。--《警世通言》

譬喻[pì yù]
  1. 我们把各种譬喻加以分类。

    Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor .

  2. 譬喻是《法华经》的主要表法方式,是佛学义理和文学性高度结合的体现。

    As the main method of expressing the Buddhism , Metaphor embodies the thought and literature in Lotus Sutra .

  3. 某乙说:我打赌这话也是个譬喻。

    Another said : I bet that is also a parable .

  4. 我们得替这位纵容坏了的孩子写一个譬喻。

    A parable has to be written of this spoiled child .

  5. 《法句譬喻经》断句商榷

    Deliberation on the Punctuated Sentences in Analogical Scriptures of Codes

  6. 但愿这个譬喻能帮住我们缄默、安静、坚忍。

    May this parable help us to be silent , still , and longsuffering .

  7. 象这样的表象,一般地讲来可看成思想和概念的譬喻。

    Mental impressions such as these may be regarded as the metaphors of thoughts and notions .

  8. 真主的确不嫌以蚊子或更小的事物设任何譬喻;

    Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things , lowest as well as highest .

  9. 6[和合]使人明白箴言和譬喻,懂得智慧人的言词和5谜语。

    [ NIV ] for understanding proverbs and parables , the sayings and riddles of the wise .

  10. 饮食譬喻:文学观念表达的特色之媒&中国古代文学艺术饮食化批评研究

    Diet Parables : Characteristic Medium of Literary Concept Expressions & On the Diet Criticism of Chinese Ancient Literary Art

  11. 运用历史典故、正反对比、虚拟及譬喻等多种艺术表现手法;

    3rd , application of historical allusion and pros-cons contrast and the fictitious various artistic expression skills such as metaphor ;

  12. 好能明了箴言和譬喻,明了智者的言论和他们的隐语。

    He shall understand a parable , and the interpretation , the words of the wise , and their mysterious sayings .

  13. 同时,文中用典的叙事化以及大量譬喻的使用,也进一步加强了其可读性和趣味性。

    Meanwhile , in the narrative of change and after the use of metaphor and also further strengthened the readability and interesting .

  14. 现今,也许拿婚姻来譬喻欧盟已是老生常谈,但也确切地描述了欧盟的现状:结婚了,不过只是名义上的。

    Now the marriage analogy here might be cliche but it so aptly describes the EU : married , in name only .

  15. 在佛教文化传入中国过程中这些譬喻不可避免受到印中文化的影响。

    In the course of the introduction of Buddhism to China , these metaphors and similes were inescapably influenced by Chinese and Indian cultures .

  16. 他们即使确曾梦想过运用日常语言和譬喻这种最普通的媒介来表达最崇高的真理的能力,然而他们的这种追求也是徒劳的。

    They would have vainly sought-had they ever dreamed of seeking-to express the highest truths through the humblest medium of familiar words and images .

  17. 雄麋魁伟高大,古代人以雄麋象征帝王,以逐鹿中原譬喻争夺王位。

    Moreover , seeking for elk was likened to contend for the throne , for the big and tall male elk symbolized the emperor .

  18. 本文从譬喻三个方面展现具有文化背景意义的词及句子的修辞作用。

    This essay focuses mainly on the rhetoric function of words and sentences that possess the culture background from three aspects of figure of speech .

  19. 譬喻,要是他们没有匆促地陷入若何切一块披萨的数学题目,他们是不会思量共享一块披萨的。

    They can 't think about sharing a pizza , for example , without falling headlong into the mathematics of how to slice it up .

  20. 可以感觉到,在他惯用的语言中,一定是充满了修辞学中的各种譬喻词汇。

    You could sense that his everyday conversation must have been packed with such vivid figures of speech as personification , symbolism , and misplaced modifiers .

  21. 我们发现不仅解经方式多样化,而且还穿插了丰富瑰丽的描摹和生动形象的譬喻。

    We found that not only solution is multiplied , but also by the mode of diversification with the vividly rich image narrative and the magnificent parable .

  22. 其运用的讽刺艺术技巧多种多样,有白描、反讽、对比、譬喻、夹叙夹议等。

    He adopted various techniques of satire , such as writing in a simple and straightforward style , irony , contrast , metaphor , and narration interspersed with comments .

  23. 英国广播公司主持人说,为“有绒毛的”对象(熊猫)筹钱很轻易,我们的钱最好花在留存原有的栖息地上,譬喻雨林。

    The BBC host said while it is easy to raise money for something " fluffy ," our money is better spent saving habitats , such as rain forests .

  24. 这是东西文化撞击的一种譬喻,它裹挟在全球化的风暴中,需要警惕的审视与反省。

    It is analogy of cultural conflict between China and the West , to which , is embedded in the wave of globalization , we need to keep an alert mind .

  25. 譬喻、夸张、复叠、顶真、错综、借代等修辞手法也广泛运用于《国风》和花儿中。

    Metaphor , hyperbole , cascade , real , complex , metonymy and other rhetorical devices are widely used in the " Guo feng " and " hua ' er " in .

  26. 临床试验的孩子们只呈报有稍微的副浸染,是季节性流感疫苗的规范特性,譬喻打针后的手臂酸痛,福奇说。

    Kids in the clinical trial reported only minor side effects that are typical of the seasonal flu vaccine , such as soreness in the arm after a shot , Fauci said .

  27. 庄子的时代光明沉沦在无望的黑暗之中,希望的寄托需要一种譬喻,寓言是比喻的高级形态,庄子发现了寓言。

    Zhuang-zi 's time perishes brightly in the hopeless darkness , hoped reposing needed one kind of metaphor , the fable is the analogy high-level shape , Zhuang-zi has discovered the fable .

  28. 亚当·斯密的学说对于欧美发达国家影响深远,他的精妙譬喻无形之手,始终是市场社会最为神圣的信念。

    The doctrine of Adam Smith developed far-reaching implications for Europe and the United States , and his exquisite metaphor " invisible hand " market society has always been the most sacred beliefs .

  29. 狄德罗认为人的手势是富于譬喻的,真是说的对,现在这个短小的人正是这句活的活证据。

    The philosopher Diderot has very aptly claimed that a man 's bearing is the clue to his character , and this stocky little man was certainly a living proof of this claim .

  30. 其所运用的引申譬喻、联想感悟的阐释方式,体现了自由独立的文化创造精神,是对西周王官之学的突破。

    The metaphorical and associative ways of interpretation by the commenter display a spirit of freedom and independence in culture creation , which is a breakthrough in the official learning of Western Zhou Dynasty .
