
jiǎo dù cè liáng
  • Angle measurement;angular surveying;angulation
角度测量[jiǎo dù cè liáng]
  1. 使用CCD进行动态高精度角度测量

    A High-accurate Dynamic Angle Measuring System Using CCD as a Detector

  2. 线阵CCD用于二维小角度测量的研究

    A Study on Linear CCD Applied to 2D Small Angular Measurement

  3. 应用于仅有角度测量的寻的导弹制导的自适应修正增益推广Kalman滤波器

    Adaptive Modified Gain Extended Kalman Filter for Bearings-Only Homing Missile Guidance

  4. CCD技术在非接触式角度测量中的应用

    Application of CCD Technology in Non-contact Angle Measurement

  5. 一种新型的、精密的CCD光电角度测量传感器

    New Generation CCD Precise Electron-optical Angle Measurement Sensor

  6. 基于CCD图像处理的角度测量系统

    Angle Measuring System Based on CCD Image Processing

  7. 用激光准直及CCD检测的小角度测量系统

    Mini-angle Measurement Using CCD and Laser-collimation

  8. PSD用于空间角度测量的研究

    Research on Space Angle Measurement Based on Position Sensitive Detector

  9. 对采用CCD非接触式角度测量法测量机、船之间的方位关系进行了研究。

    The non contact CCD technology is used in the determination of the angle between ship baseline and battleplane baseline .

  10. AGV激光定位系统角度测量电路的设计

    The Design of Angle Measurement Circuit for Laser Navigation System for AGV

  11. 就实际的应用环境,对采用CCD法进行角度测量时应该注意的问题也作了研究和论述投影法CCD测径系统

    Some problems in the actual applying situation are discussed in detail in this study . CCD Measuring System for Wire Diameter Using Projection Method

  12. 基于ADμC834的钻头角度测量系统

    Angle measuring system of aiguilles based on AD μ C834

  13. 激光CCD角度测量技术是计量与现代测试技术领域中的重要方法,具有非接触、高灵敏、高准确、高效率等特点,是当前最先进的测试技术之一。

    Laser-CCD measure technology is the main and important method in the field of modern measure technology . It has many characteristics as un - touch measure , high-delicacy , high-efficiency etc.

  14. 通过Windows设备驱动程序开发,软件误差修正等方法实现了精度高及实时性强的角度测量。

    Angle measurement with high accuracy and real time is realized through computer data collection . High accuracy and real time angle measurement is realized by means of Windows drive program development and software error correction .

  15. stokes参数的测量一般只是在某个固定的方向上测量,对于多角度测量stokes参数测量目前还没有相关的实验结果,论文对这种实验结构的设计做了简单的构思。

    In most experiments , stokes parameters are measured on a determined direction , this dissertation gives a design of how to measure stokes parameters through multi-angle .

  16. 这些装置对空间VLBI高精度的角度测量以及多普勒技术高精度测距和测速是非常适用的。

    These devices are very adaptable for space use in very high precision measurements of angle through VLBI and of range and range-rate through Doppler techniques .

  17. 该系统长度测量标准差为36μm,角度测量与坐标测量机(CMM)测量结果的相对误差0.2%.给出了某V型面三维实测的数据重建结果。

    The sensor 's standard deviation in length measurement is 36 ? μ m , and the relative error of angular measurement is ( 0.2 % ) compared with the CMM ( coordinate measuring machine ) .

  18. 公开了一种用于全息数字数据存储(HDDS)系统的反射镜角度测量和伺服控制装置。

    A mirror angle measurement and a servo control apparatus for a Holographic Digital Data Storage ( HDDS ) system is disclosed .

  19. 角度测量是自C2/3至C7/T1逐个节段测量其终板所成夹角,前曲与后伸位测得的夹角相加得出单个节段椎间隙活动范围,比较手术前、后角度变化。

    To measure the angle which composed of terminal plates of C2 / 3 to C7 / T1 , added the angle of procurvation and retroflexion each segment to get the extension of the intervertebral space and compare the change with them .

  20. 该系统以PXI虚拟仪器为核心,使用二维电控转台模拟载机角运动,采用激光小角度测量方法测量平台响应误差。

    The core of this system is a PXI ⅵ( Virtual Instrument ) . The system uses an electro-controlling motion simulator to simulate the angle-motion of airplane and laser-test device to test the track error of the platform .

  21. 谷歌公司及其总部大楼设计者NBBJ建筑设计事务所观察员工们的步行速度,从不同角度测量办公空间的直径长短。

    The firm and its architect , NBBJ , looked at how fast people can walk and measured the diameter of the space from multiple angles .

  22. 给出了基于声波到达方位(BOL)的双基地声呐定位算法,分别研究了基线长度和角度测量误差等因素对该算法定位精度的影响。

    In this paper , the Bear Only Localization ( BOL ) algorithm for bistatic sonar is presented . The localization accuracy of the algorithm for different baseline length and bear measurement error is studied .

  23. 在基于直线测量、弧度测量、角度测量和比例测量等基础上,提出了一种将Farkas测量法与三维激光测量法相结合的颌面三维测量技术。

    Based on line measurement , radian measurement , angle measurement and proportion measurement , a new method , which combines both Farkas and three-dimensional laser measurement , is presented for three-dimensional facial measurement .

  24. 利用REB电子轰击阳极靶产生的厚靶韧致辐射的零角度测量,确定束电子能量的径向分布,从而判断REB的居中性和能量的均匀性。

    The zero angle measurement of the thick target bremsstrahlung produced by the REB bombarded anode target can be used to determine the electron energy radial distribution , and to judge the REB medial property and the energy even distribution .

  25. 介绍NF3低速翼型风洞常规和动态实验模型姿态角测量和控制系统的特点以及为提高角度测量精度和准度所采取的措施。

    This paper describes the characteristics of model attitude angle measurement and control system for normal and dynamic test , and the effective methods for advancing the precision and accuracy of angle measurement in NF 3 low speed airfoil wind tunnel .

  26. 本文分析比较了圆感应同步器不同的激磁方式及输出检测方式,介绍了绝对角度测量原理、IRDC芯片及绝对式感应同步器角度测量电路的误差来源,最后给出了初步的研究结论。

    The principle of absolute angular position measurement , the IRDC ICs and the error sources of the angle measuring circuit of the absolute INDUCTOSYN ? are presented . Finally , the elementary study conclusions are given .

  27. 锁相检测式二维小角度测量装置

    Dual axis small angle measurement instrument based on track signal processing

  28. 轿车后视镜耐疲劳实验台及角度测量系统的研究

    Study on Car Rearview Mirror Fatigue Test-bed and Angle Measurement System

  29. 电光相对旋转角度测量实验

    Measurement of relative rotation angle based on electro - optical effect

  30. 角度测量在几何量测量中有着重要的地位。

    Angle measurement plays an important role in the geometric measurement .