
  • 网络Xihu Trough
  1. 东海西湖凹陷中南部含油气系统浅析

    The General Analyses of Petroleum System in Middle South of Xihu Trough , East China Sea

  2. 东海西湖凹陷春晓地区渐新世盆地充填机制探讨

    Discussion on Basin - fill Mechanism in Oligocene in the Chunxiao Area of Xihu Trough , the East China Sea

  3. 运用DAVIDA.White,1988介绍的方法,编制东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷和瓯江凹陷油气成藏组合图。

    Plays of Xihu Sag and Oujiang Sag in East China Sea Basin have been compiled according to David A. White 's method .

  4. PDC钻头在东海西湖凹陷的实践与认识

    The Practice and Knowledge of Using PDC Bit in Xihu Trough , the East China Sea

  5. AVO资料在东海西湖凹陷的研究及应用

    Application Study of AVO in the XiHu Sag of the East China Sea Shelf Basin

  6. 西湖凹陷主要生油岩是下第三系暗色泥页岩,其大量生成油气的温度约为90℃,生油门限是2800m左右。

    Dark shales are believed as major oil source rocks in Xihu depression , which got to the oil generating threshold at about 2 ? 800 m corresponding to 90 ℃ .

  7. 确定和完善了瓯江凹陷和西湖凹陷的层序格架。

    Confirm and perfect sequence boundaries of Qujiang and Xihu Troughs .

  8. 西湖凹陷是经历多期构造作用的白垩&第三纪盆地。

    Xihu sag is a Cretaceous-Tertiary basin which experienced multi-episodic tectonism .

  9. 东海西湖凹陷烃源岩有机相研究

    Sedimentary Organic Facies of Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in the Xihu Sag

  10. 西湖凹陷陆盆冲积体系河道演变规律探讨

    Discussion on Channel Evolvement of Continental Alluvial System in Xihu Trough

  11. 东海西湖凹陷油气勘探新领域探讨

    Potential Areas in Xihu Sag of the East China Sea

  12. 东海西湖凹陷新生代盆地原型分析华南东部大地构造演化研究现状与盆地原型及其迭加改造分析

    Prototype Basin Analysis in Cenozoic for Xihu Sag , East China Sea

  13. 东海西湖凹陷油气成藏地质认识

    Pool forming geology of the Xihu depression in the East China Sea

  14. 东海西湖凹陷的基底性质

    Basement Property of Xihu Trough in the East China Sea

  15. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷,是中国近海天然气资源十分丰富的单元。

    Xihu Sag in the East China Sea has abundant gas resources .

  16. 东海西湖凹陷下第三系层序地层学分析

    Sequence stratigraphic analysis of Eogene system , xihu sag , east China Sea

  17. 苏堤地区位于西湖凹陷浙东中央背斜带的南部,现有钻井天外天一井揭露平湖组1549.5米。

    Sudi Division is located at the south part of center anticlinal zone .

  18. 东海西湖凹陷春晓构造油气储层特征

    Reservoir Characteristics of Chunxiao Structure in Xihu Trough , the East China Sea

  19. 东海西湖凹陷地下流体动力场研究

    Study on underground fluid dynamical fields of Xihu sag , east China Sea

  20. 西湖凹陷煤系源岩的有机质热演化研究

    A study on thermal evolution of organic matter in coal-bearing source rocks of Xihu Sag

  21. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷深层烃源岩探讨

    Discussion on the Source Rock of Deep Strata in Xihu Trough , the East China Sea

  22. 东海西湖凹陷三维地震连片处理

    Merging of 3D Seismic Data from Chunxiao Gas Field , Xihu Sag , East China Sea

  23. 东海西湖凹陷第三系剩余孔隙流体压力分析

    Analysis of residual pore fluid pressure in the tertiary of the Xihu depression , the Donghai Sea

  24. 西湖凹陷砂岩自生高岭石发育特征及其对储层物性的影响

    Characteristics of authigenic kaolinite in sandstones of Xihu Sag and it 's impact on reservoir physical properties

  25. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷不整合面剥蚀厚度恢复

    Erosion thickness restoration of unconformities in the Xihu sag , the shelf basin of East China Sea

  26. 东海西湖凹陷地温场及其对烃源岩的作用

    Geothermal field and its effect on source rock in the Xihu sag , the East China Sea Basin

  27. 东海西湖凹陷反转构造定量研究:来自裂变径迹分析数据的约束

    Quantitative study on inversion structures in Xihu depression , east China sea : constraints from fission track analysis data

  28. 西湖凹陷位于东海盆地东部,凹陷内正反转构造发育。

    Xihu sag is located in the eastern East China Sea basin , where normal inversion structures have developed .

  29. 西湖凹陷受区域构造应力场作用,经历了断陷、坳陷和区域沉降三个演化阶段。

    Effected by regional tectonic stress field , Xihu Sag has undergone rifting , sinking and regional subsidence phases .

  30. 西湖凹陷黄岩区地质演化及断层对油气运聚的影响

    Geological Evolution of Huangyan Area in Xihu Sag and the Influence of Oil and Gas Migration in Fault Zone