
  • 网络maroon red
  1. 颜色呈浅红、褐红、玫瑰红色、褐及灰白色等。

    The colors are light red , brown red , rose red , brown , or greyish white .

  2. 其外形色泽褐红,内质汤色红浓明亮,香气独特陈香,滋味醇厚回甘,叶底褐红。

    Pu'er tea leaves has a brown and red color shape , Pu'er tea soup is clear with red color , has a special fragrant smell and pure and sweet flavor .

  3. 本品为数量不多的珍藏品,经多年的自然发酵后,其汤色红浓明亮,陈香味纯,口感柔和,叶底均匀褐红。

    This product is a small number of treasures , after years of natural fermentation , the liquor color red , dense and bright , pure flavor Chen , taste soft , the bottom evenly brown red .

  4. 唐三彩是一种低温釉陶器,在色釉中加入不同的金属氧化物,经过焙烧,便形成浅黄、赭黄、浅绿、深绿、天蓝、褐红、茄紫等多种色彩,但多以黄、褐、绿三色为主。

    The Tang tri-colored glazed pottery is a low-melting glazed pottery . It was made by adding metallic oxides to the colored glaze and calcining the object to cre-ate different colors , namely the predominant yellow , brown and green .

  5. 颜色搭配方面,森林绿、深褐和红棕色是你可选择的化妆颜色。

    Look for earth tones for your best color matches , such as forest green , dark brown , and burnt umber , and incorporate those colors into your makeup scheme .

  6. 裂褐菌对刚果红染料的脱色效果研究

    Study on the Decolorization Effects of Schizophyllum commune on Congo Red