
  • 网络jude;Jude the obscure;Hey Jude;judd
  1. JK?罗琳笔下的邓布利多将迎来一个新的面孔——它来自裘德?洛。

    JK Rowling 's Dumbledore is to have a new face - and it belongs to Jude Law .

  2. 他说,他们非常兴奋,观众也非常兴奋,特别是在唱《嗨裘德》(HeyJude)的时候;

    They had a lot of energy , and so did the audience , particularly with songs like ' Hey Jude , " he said . '

  3. 裘德挑战社会限制并展现他的尊严。

    He challenges social confinements and shows his dignity in the end .

  4. 想要公开他们即将发行单曲的消息,保罗用石灰水把窗户刷白后,写上“HeyJude(嗨!裘德)”几个大字母。

    Wanting to publicize their upcoming single , Paul whitewashed the window and wrote " Hey Jude " in huge letters .

  5. 大卫•贝克汉姆和奥兰多•布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星爱德•维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大热的JLS组合、裘德•洛和伊万•麦格雷格。

    David Beckham was fifth , followed by Orlando Bloom , Gossip Girl 's Ed Westwick , chart-toppers JLS , Jude Law and Ewan McGregor .

  6. 他说,他们非常兴奋,观众也非常兴奋,特别是在唱《嗨裘德》(heyJude)的时候;我觉得自己简直不是在北京。

    ' They had a lot of energy , and so did the audience , particularly with songs like ' Hey Jude , ' ' he said . ' It didn 't really feel like I was in Beijing . '

  7. 《小生活》围绕四个大学时代的好友——裘德,威勒姆、JB和马尔科姆展开,他们从久负盛名的新英格兰学院毕业后一起留在了纽约打拼。

    A Little Life follows four university friends , Jude , Willem , JB and Malcolm , who start their adult lives in New York City after graduating from a prestigious New England college .

  8. 全家人每个星期天都要在圣裘德教堂做礼拜。

    The whole family worshipped at St jude 's every sunday .

  9. 裘德当时急忙答应了,说他一定不能让这个机会错过。

    Jude had eagerly promised to avail himself of the opportunity .

  10. 裘德说了一声再见,就投到昏暗的夜色里去了。

    Jude said good-bye , and went away into the darkness .

  11. 裘德是一个浮华时代典型的受害者,挣扎于各种冲突之中。

    Jude is a typical victim of the restless time .

  12. 裘德也转身上了他那踽踽独行的归路。

    Jude turned away to pursue his solitary journey home .

  13. 裘德去按门铃,跟着让人请了进去。

    Jude accordingly rang the bell , and was admitted .

  14. 随着叙事的铺陈,裘德伤痕累累的神秘过往浮现出来。

    As the narrative unfolds , Jude 's mysterious and traumatic past emerges .

  15. 她称呼他亲爱的表哥裘德。

    She addressed him as her dear cousin Jude .

  16. 他发现她果真像裘德所形容的那样聪明;

    He had found her quite as bright as Jude had described her ;

  17. 你知道为什么在圣裘德医院吗?

    Do you know why you are in the Saint jude 's hospital ?

  18. 裘德因为那时开始觉得孤寂,所以就拼命地跟着那个人走。

    Jude , beginning to feel lonely , endeavoured to keep up with him .

  19. 裘德又提起他的旧怨来了。

    Jude fell back upon his old complaint .

  20. 你可能已经看到这条圣裘德儿童研究医院的广告。

    You might have seen this commercials for St. Jude Children 's Research Hospital .

  21. 我拍拍狗,它就摇摇尾巴。裘德拍了拍他的口袋。

    I patted the dog and she wagged her tail . Jude slapped his pocket .

  22. 这件事给了裘德一种启发。

    That matter gave Jude a lead .

  23. 淑仍旧挽着裘德的胳膊。

    Sue still held Jude 's arm .

  24. 淑和裘德两个一块儿到本地登记局去申请结婚。

    Both Sue and Jude together went to the office of the district to give notice .

  25. 我的亲爱的裘德,我希望从今以后再不会对你高尚的情操发生怀疑啦!

    I hope I shall never have any doubt of your worthiness , my poor Jude !

  26. 裘德觉得自己好象很奇怪地有些飘飘然起来。

    Jude felt himself drifting strangely .

  27. 裘德的眼睛睁得更圆了。

    Jude 's eyes grew rounder .

  28. 当朋友们试图帮助裘德时,他们开始发现爱也是有界限的。

    When Jude 's friends try to help him , they start to realize limits of love .

  29. “裘德,”苏突然说,“你端着这个盘子到月台去&我看又有火车到啦。”

    " Here comes the boy back again ," continued Arabella . " My boy and Jude 's !"

  30. 我的后面是裘力斯、贾尼斯、约安、杰罗姆、裘德、杰夫和朱迪。

    After me there came Julius , Janis , JoAnn , Jerome , Jude , Jeff and Judy .