
  • 网络fission reactor
  1. GB/T4960.2-1996核科学技术术语裂变反应堆

    Glossary of terms : nuclear science and technology & Fission reactor

  2. 在快裂变反应堆的临界问题和超临界系统动力学过程的分析中,几何曲率有重要的应用价值。

    The geometric buckling is of great value in application to criticality problem and analysis of dynamic process of supercritical system in fast fission reactor .

  3. 但是这项技术非常昂贵;一个量子通道需要25个裂变反应堆同时提供能量。

    However , this technology is extremely expensive ; one tunnel can use the combined output of25 fission reactors .

  4. 此外核裂变反应堆、放射性同位素生产堆、核潜艇动力堆以及正在研究的核聚变堆等核设施也向环境中释放氚。

    Besides fission reactor , radioisotope production reactor , nuclear submarine power reactor , ongoing research nuclear fusion reactor and other nuclear facilities will also release the tritium to the environment .

  5. 核聚变裂变混合反应堆

    Fusion fission hybrid reactor

  6. 星座型裂变燃料核反应堆的物理构想

    Physical concept on the nuclear reactor with constellation type fissile fuels

  7. 可裂变物质生产反应堆

    Fissionable material production reactor

  8. 材料的快中子溅射性能直接关系到裂变和聚变反应堆材料的选择。

    The sputtering performance of materials induced by fast neutrons is of vital importance to the selection of the materials for fission and fusion reactors .