
  • 网络Yuan Shu;poland
  1. 袁绍之弟袁术派大将纪灵率领十万大军攻打刘备。

    Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops , led by General Ji Ling , to attack Liu Bei .

  2. 袁术见他小小年纪就懂得孝顺母亲,十分惊奇。

    Yuan Shu was very surprised to learn he was pious to his mother at such a young age .

  3. 袁术于公元193年兵败逃到河北(淮河以北),陶谦于次年被击败,刘备在196年投降曹操。

    Yuan Shu was driven south to of the Huai River in 193 , Tao Qian was destroyed in 194 , and Liu Bei surrendered in 196 .

  4. 但是太监并无兵权,袁绍和其弟袁术率兵人宫,诛杀2000多名太监。

    The powerful eu-nuchs being without military support , Yuan Shao and his brother Yuan Shu broke into the palace with their forces and killed more than 2 000 eunuchs .

  5. 袁术担心在徐州的吕布救援刘备,派人给吕布送去粮草和密信,要吕布按兵不动。

    For fear of L ü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand , Yuan wrote L ü a letter , together with many food supplies as gifts , asking him not to help Liu .

  6. 公元191年,袁术的部将孙坚起兵将董卓逐出洛阳,董卓逃至西安。公元192年董卓被其护卫吕布所杀。

    In 191 the army of Sun Jian , under the command of Yuan Shu , drove Dong Zhuo from Luoyang west to Chang , an , and in 192 Dong Zhuo was assassinated by his former body-guard Lu Bu .

  7. 袁绍的势力主要在黄河以北;向南,在淮河和黄河之间,有袁术、曹操、徐州太守陶谦、西北的吕布和刘备。

    Yuan Shao extended his power to the north of the Yellow River , while in further south , between the Yellow River and the Huai River , there was a tense and vicious conflict between Yuan Shu , Cao Cao , and Tao Qian , the Governor of Xu province , Lu Bu from the northwest and Liu Bei ,