
shān kù
  • samfu;shirt and pants
  1. 我穿着紫色连衫裤和高跟鞋,脸上抹着厚厚的化妆品。

    I was wearing a purple jumpsuit , high heeled shoes , and lots of makeup .

  2. 这是一件蓝色的背心。汗布绣花童背心衫裤

    This is a blue vest . children 's embroidered single jersey

  3. 她连续数小时为她特别喜爱的慈善团体卖力地编织连衫裤童装。

    She beavers away for hours knitting jumpers for her favourite charity .

  4. 毛针织内衣衫裤生产工艺的研究

    A Study on the Production Technology of Wool-knitted Underwear

  5. 现在我的孩子都想说服我不要再穿衫裤。

    Now my own kids try to persuade me to give up the samfu .

  6. 人造丝斜纹绸雪衫裤

    Trueran yarn-dyed poplin rayon twill snowsuit

  7. 提花镶饰棉毛绸雪衫裤

    Jacquard-patterned cotton poplin snowsuit

  8. 配羊皮领针织袖口的棉毛绸雪衫裤绵蚜虫有像棉花一样的羊毛状外壳。

    Cotton poplin snowsuit with mouton collar and knit wristlets the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton .

  9. 实际上,就在几天前,有人发现菲尔丁照搬了文斯的形象——穿着连衫裤工作服和厚跟鞋。

    In fact , just the other day people spotted Fielding channelling Vince in a boiler suit and platforms .

  10. 个性儿童用品零售商My1stYears.com工作人员说,他们本周已经卖光了淡蓝色连衫裤童装,这款童装零售价25英镑。

    Personalised baby retailer My1stYears.com say they sold out of pale blue jumpers this week , which retail at £ 25 each .

  11. 沈婆婆是中国传统服装(衫裤)的拥护者,她的衣服都是订做的,而且喜欢鲜艳大胆的印花。

    Cheng is loyal to the traditional Chinese costume of the samfu , which she gets specially tailored , favoring bright and bold prints .

  12. 在我们的鼓励下,婆婆示范了几套珍藏的衫裤,这种衣服过去主要是中国南方女性穿的。

    At our encouragement , Cheng models her collection of samfu , the traditional shirt and trousers that was historically worn by southern Chinese women .

  13. 男式或男童连衫裤工作服[非针织或钩编]连衫裤童装,缩绒或非织造织物制(婴儿的除外)

    Men 's or boys ' boiler suit [ not knitted or crocheted ] jumpers made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  14. 很讽刺的,我以前对母亲的过时打扮感到尴尬,但后来我自己也开始穿这种服装(衫裤)。

    It is ironic that I once was so embarassed by my old-fashioned mother , yet later on I started to wear [ the samfu ] myself .

  15. 虽说他们设计的系列服装都是可捋式紧身衣与水晶饰件,但杜嘉班纳的业务实际上靠的是成衣、白衬衣以及女衫裤套装。

    Though their collections are full of push-up corsetry and crystals , the Dolce & Gabbana business is actually built on tailoring , white shirts , and trouser suits .

  16. 提娜透纳身着连衫裤在空中飞舞,越过整个舞台,双腿直至她的颈部,让米克杰格的名嘴完全无语。

    Tina Turner pranced , with legs right up to her neck , across the stage in a leather teddy , leaving Mick Jagger 's famous mouth agape and speechless .

  17. 队会之后,球员相继接受了一系列严格的医疗检查,斯科拉里则借这个机会穿着休闲衫裤同他们逐一进行了个人见面和自我介绍。

    Scolari was dressed casually in a shirt and slacks as he introduced himself to the players individually after the team meeting while they had a series of rigorous medical tests .

  18. 这种宽松衫裤能展示您潇洒豪迈之气概,是本服装厂今年创造流行的又一奉献。妇女宽衬衣一种宽松的衬衫、长汗衫或罩衫蝙蝠衫,造型宽松流畅。

    You can show a natural , unrestrained and heroic demeanour By wearing this kind of loose-fitting jacket and trousers , which is another contriBution our factory has made to the creation of fashion this year .

  19. 他们还会在路上骚扰穿着西式风格衬衫和长裤、而非传统上衫下裤的男人,并坚持妇女都要把头部给遮起来。

    They harassed men wearing Western-style shirts and trousers instead of the traditional shalwar kamiz and insisted women cover their heads .

  20. 这家百货公司表示,之前,购买深V文胸、巴斯克衫、丁字裤、长筒袜和吊裤带等性感内衣的主要消费群体都是一些20岁出头的妙龄少女。

    Previously , the store said , the main purchasers of cleavage-enhancing bras , basques , thongs , stockings and suspenders , have been women in their early 20s .

  21. 我不是说,希望未来所有的荣誉军团勋章接受者都身穿Polo衫和卡其裤亮相。

    It 's not that I expect all future generations of Legion of Honor recipients to start showing up in polos and khakis .

  22. 她自己的打扮也是这场历险的一部分,从KookaïT恤衫和棉布裤,到克劳德·蒙塔纳(ClaudeMontana)的皮外套。

    Her outfits tell the story too , as she graduates from Kooka ï T-shirts and chinos to Claude Montana leather jackets .

  23. 比如,我觉得那三个人不会聚在一起说:“哦,嘿,我们都穿上Polo衫和卡其裤,去颠覆传统!真是个好机会!”他们很可能已经是尽量挑选手边最好的衣服。

    I doubt , for example , that the three men stood around and thought : " Oh , hey , let 's all wear polos and khakis and upend tradition ! What an opportunity ! " They probably did the best with what they had at hand .

  24. 高领衫加蓬蓬裤才是专业人士的穿着

    High collar and baggy pants say I 'm a pro .

  25. 光顾打折商店购买必需品。在打折商店也许买不到端庄的晚礼服,但它却是抢购T恤衫、弹力裤和棉质内衣的极佳地方。

    Evening dress , but they 're perfect for snapping up t-shirts , basic stretch pants , and cotton undergarments .

  26. 在一面巨大的双面玻璃橱窗中,一排人造时装模特儿身穿正式的加拿大运动衫、运动裤、外套、头巾、帽子和手套。

    In a huge double-pane window stands a phalanx of mannequins wearing official Canada shirts and exercise pants , hoodies , scarves , hats and mittens .

  27. 昨日,他身穿淡黄色运动衫和白色运动裤,在伦敦威斯敏斯特区(Westminster)一家法院出庭。

    He appeared at a Westminster court dressed in a canary yellow sweatshirt and white tracksuit trousers .

  28. 从理论上讲,周末在办公室以外上班时,你可以穿你喜欢的衣服,但我仍希望看到人们身着Polo衫与斜纹棉布裤。

    In theory , you can wear what you like on work weekends away , but I 'd still expect to see a fair amount of polo shirts and chinos .

  29. 我要一条与这件运动衫相配的运动裤。

    I want a pair of tights to go with this sweater .

  30. (衣服,尤指毛线衫的)高而紧的圆领。配羊皮领针织袖口的棉毛绸雪衫裤

    A high close-fitting turnover collar . cotton poplin snowsuit with mouton collar and knit wristlets
