
  1. 关于行政事业单位会计运用权责发生制的思考

    Ponder on the Application of Accrual System in Administrative and Public Accounting

  2. 浅谈行政事业单位会计制度中的固定资产核算

    Fixed Assets Assess in the Accounting System of Administrative Organizations and Institutions

  3. 河北省行政事业单位会计管理体制创新探索

    Accounting Management System Innovation in Hebei Administrative Institutions

  4. 改进行政事业单位会计集中核算问题探讨

    Improve accounting concentration problems of administrative institution

  5. 对行政事业单位会计委派制的思考西方非营利组织会计与我国事业单位会计之比较

    The Comparison between Accounting for the West Non - profit Making Organizations and Institutional Accounting of Our Country

  6. 目前不少地方相继建立会计集中核算,实行集中核算是行政事业单位会计委派制的主要形式,可以加强会计管理,强化会计监督,取得了一定效果。

    Nowadays , many places have introduced the practice of collective accounting , which is the major form of accounting distribution system , and which has made some positive effect in enhancing the management and supervision on accounting .

  7. 论行政事业单位内部会计控制与管理

    Analysis about the Interior Accountant Control and Management in the Administration Unit

  8. 关于行政事业单位实行会计委派制的探讨

    Discussion on practice accounting appointed system in administrative institution

  9. 健全行政事业单位内部会计控制制度的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing and Strengthening a Sound Internal Accounting Control System in Administrative Institutions

  10. 财政集中支付制度的实行,对行政事业单位的会计应用软件系统提出了新的要求。

    The implementation of centralized payment of finance and centralized accounting of finance are presenting a new demand on the accounting application software system of the administrative institution .

  11. 行政事业单位实行会计集中核算是加强行政事业单位会计核算、会计监督的一项新制度,在实践中取得了良好的效果,但也暴露出一些弊端,值得我们关注并加以改进。

    Centralized accounting is a new system carried out by the administrative institutions to strengthen their accounting and accounting oversight , which gained good effects and exposed some malpractices , and worth our attention and improvement .

  12. 我国预算会计体系仍可以主要由财政总预算会计、行政单位会计和事业单位会计组成,但其中事业单位的性质应当给予明确的定义。

    Also our accounting system mainly consists of commercial budget accounting and accounting of administrative units and institutions , but the later should be defined explicitly .