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máo zéi
  • A thief;pest;vermin;a person harmful to the country and people;grain-destroying insects;termite
蟊贼 [máo zéi]
  • (1) [grain-destroying insects;termite;vermin]∶吃禾苗的两种害虫

  • 去其螟螣,及其蟊贼。--《诗.小雅.瞻卬》

  • 我有蟊贼,岑君遏之。--《后汉书.岑彭传》

  • (2) [a person harmful to the country and people]∶比喻危害国家或人民的人

  • 蟊贼内讧。--《诗.大雅.召旻》

蟊贼[máo zéi]
  1. 但是拿着枪的男人说他打的是蟊贼。

    But the man with the shotgun said he shot a burglar .

  2. 他认为所有的恐怖主义者都是蟊贼,监禁对他们来说太慈善了。

    He thought all terrorists were vermin and that prison was too good for them .