
lóu gū
  • mole cricket
蝼蛄 [lóu gū]
  • [mole cricket] 动物名。节肢动物门。昆虫纲。直翅目,蝼蛄科。背部茶褐色,腹面灰黄色。前足发达,呈铲状,适于掘土,有尾须。生活在泥土中,昼伏夜出,吃农作物嫩茎。通称蝲蝲蛄,有的地区叫土狗子

蝼蛄[lóu gū]
  1. 蝼蛄是生活在地下的,它里面的房子纵横交错,十分复杂,白天就躲在洞里,靠吃庄稼和蔬菜的根和嫩茎生活,到了晚间才跑出洞外活动。

    Mole cricket is to live in subterranean , the house freely crisscross inside it , very complex , hide in the hole by day , rely on to take crops and vegetable root and tender bine life , arrived evening just runs the activity outside unkennel .

  2. Ayieko证明了这些昆虫是有益的:例如,蝼蛄和白蚁都可以帮助哺乳期的母亲产生母乳。

    Ayieko has proof that they are beneficial : for example , both mayflies and termites help lactating mothers to produce milk .

  3. 肯尼亚Maseno大学的讲师MonicaAyieko在过去的4年中一直在研究用昆虫白蚁和蝼蛄烹饪的可能性。

    For the past four years Monica Ayieko , a lecturer at Maseno University in Kenya , has looked into the feasibility of using insects termites and mayflies for cooking .

  4. 蝼蛄的近红外光谱鉴别研究

    Studies on identification of Gryllotalpa by near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectrometry

  5. 非洲蝼蛄消化道组织结构的观察

    Observation on Tissue Structure of Digestive Tract of G.africana Palisot De Beauvois

  6. 中药蝼蛄的高效液相指纹图谱研究

    Studies on HPLC fingerprint spectrum of Gryllotalpa

  7. 前言:目的:对蝼蛄的不同种和异地的同一种以及混乱品种进行鉴定、分析。

    Objective : To identify and analyse the different species , same species in different regions and confusion species .

  8. 这些结果可能为蝼蛄声诱捕装置的生物原型和数学模型的研究提供某些依据。

    These results may provide some information for study of the biological prototype and the mathematical model in sound equipment luring mole-crickets .

  9. 1979-1984年对非洲蝼蛄进行了生物学习性研究.在河南每年发生面积1500-2000万亩。

    Study on the bionomics of Gryllotalpa africana was carried out in 1979-1984 , There are 15-20 million mu of destroyed area in Henan .

  10. 敌百虫在高浓度和推荐浓度下对蝼蛄斯氏线虫的致死率分别高达94.5%和92.5%,在高浓度下对长尾斯氏线虫的致死率为8%,对小卷蛾斯氏线虫没有明显致死作用;

    Trichlorfon killed 94.5 % and 92.5 % of Ss at high and recommended concentration respectively , and 92.5 % of X-7 at high concentration , while showed no significant mortality to Sc-All .