
  • 网络Manta ray;devil ray
  1. 这间研究技工同时还在制造一种机器蝠鲼,以便对不列颠哥伦比亚的峡湾进行研究探测。

    The lab is also building a robot manta ray to study fish stocks in the fjords of British Columbia .

  2. 综上所述,本文对仿生墨鱼机器人及其关键技术进行了研究,研制了仿生蝠鲼、仿生水平鳍、仿生喷射系统和仿生墨鱼机器人样机,为仿生墨鱼机器人的研究提供了实验平台。

    The biomimetic manta ray , biomimetic horizontal fin , biomimetic jetting system and the biomimetic cuttlefish prototype are developed . The present research provides experimental platform for further study .

  3. 如果保护提案获得了最终批准,那么鲨鱼和蝠鲼都将被归入CITES的附录二中。

    If final approval is given , the sharks and rays would be included under Appendix II of CITES .

  4. 事实上,马王国是和海洋中的蝠鲼(MantaRay)有关的,它们经常看起来就象是大鸟或者大蝙蝠在水下飞翔。

    Indeed , horse is related to the Manta Ray kingdom that often appears as large birds or bats flying under the water .

  5. 这压倒性的选票对于这些鲨鱼物种及蝠鲼而言是一个非常成功的日子。”TRAFFIC组织全球海洋项目负责人格伦·桑特说道,这是一个关注生物多样性保护和可持续发展的非政府组织。

    It was a very successful day as far as these shark species go and the manta rays with quite overwhelming votes on all of them , said , " said Glenn Sant , global marine program leader for TRAFFIC , an NGO concerned with biodiversity conservation and sustainable development .

  6. “高大的潮头过后我们能看到一些蝠鲼,”GuyStevens说道,他是一位研究马尔代夫蝠鲼三年之久的英国海洋生物学家。

    Cue Manta birostris . " Just after high tide you 'll see a few manta rays turn up ," says Guy Stevens , a British marine biologist who 's been researching the Maldives mantas for the past three years .

  7. 各国政府同时也投票保护两种蝠鲼。

    Governments also voted to protect two species of manta rays , as well .

  8. 蝠鲼是包括在其中生活在礁附近的一个物种,而另一种则有迁居习惯。

    The manta rays include one species that lives near reefs and another that 's migratory .

  9. 蝠鲼因为其腮而自豪,但也用作美食。

    The manta rays are prized for their gills , which are also used as a food delicacy .

  10. 水中庄严集体舞瞬间变成了数百尾蝠鲼间互相碰撞的自由舞。

    The stately dance in the milky waters turns into a free-for-all , with hundreds of mantas bumping into each other .

  11. 这样就有了蝠鲼通过头鳍接受电位信号来感受水中其他动物运动的假设。

    The hypothesis is that mantas use those fins to pick up electrical signals from other animals moving in the water .

  12. 蝠鲼可以跃起七英尺(两米)高,然后伴随着响亮的拍击声,返回水面。

    They leap up to seven feet ( two meters ) high then return to the surface with a resounding slap .

  13. 他们必须证明鲨鱼和蝠鲼可以合法的捕捉及可以持续捕捞。

    They have to prove that the sharks and rays were , one , legally caught and , two , sustainably caught .

  14. 这些飞行蝠鲼可以跃出水面几英尺高,但没有人很确定它们为何这样做。

    These muscular fish can leap several feet out of the water , but no one is quite sure why they do it .

  15. 马尔代夫的哈尼法如湾内,一群重达2000磅,姿态优雅、捕食高效的蝠鲼正在吞食被银河鱼旋绕住的印度洋磷虾。

    Graceful and efficient , 2,000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives .

  16. 蝠鲼,哈尼法如海湾,马尔代夫马尔代夫的哈尼法如湾内,一群重达2000磅,姿态优雅、捕食高效的蝠鲼正在吞食被银河鱼旋绕住的印度洋磷虾。

    Graceful and efficient , 2000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives .

  17. 但是,当时间与潮流相吻合时,这里每年都会上演好几次蝠鲼争食的壮观芭蕾舞剧。

    But several times a year , when time and tide align , manta rays from throughout the Maldives converge here to feed in a spectacular coral-reef ballet .

  18. 在海湾底部有沙的部分,有时你还会碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鳐和豹斑鳐,在这我们见过成群的圣海伦海?

    At the bottom of the bay , in the sandy area , occasionally , huge Manta Rays , and often , leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats .

  19. 随着‘噗’的一声,整个蝠鲼群都会出现,届时你将会看见在不到4个小时时间内,一块足球场大小的范围内出现200多条蝠鲼食饵的场景。

    Then poof , a whole group will move in , and you 'll get as many as200 feeding for two to four hours in a bay no bigger than a soccer field .

  20. 蝠鲼繁殖率缓慢,很容易受到过度捕捞,所以强大的旅游业可以给当地社区的经济补助,以保护鱼类,而不是杀死它们。

    Mantas , with their slow reproductive rate , are vulnerable to overfishing , so a robust tourist trade could give local communities an economic incentive to conserve the fish rather than kill them .

  21. 在几个小时内浮游生物的盛宴即将结束,而蝠鲼犁其头鳍于海湾的沙底中,等待下一批猎物的到来。

    Within hours the plankton run out , the feast winds down , and the mantas plow the bay 's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column .

  22. 其中一个早上,伯努瓦给我们找到一处绝佳的赏鱼处——这是巨型蝠鲼汇聚的地方,我们带着呼吸管出没于它们中间,仿佛自己也变成了海洋生灵。

    One morning , Benoit found us a site where vast manta rays tend to gather and we snorkelled in and out among them as if we , too , had become creatures of the sea .
