
  1. 它培育了许多蜚声中外的大家。

    It produced a large number of world-renowned talents .

  2. 老舍不仅是杰出的小说家、戏剧家,同时还是蜚声中外的语言艺术大师。

    Lao She is not only a distinguished novelist , dramatist , but also a world famous master of lingual art .

  3. 西南联大成为一所人才辈出、蜚声中外的高等学府,其主要原因之一是秉持并实践了通才教育的办学理念。

    Southwest associated university is a top school which brings up lots of talented people and is famous not only in China but overseas .

  4. 佘山景区有蜚声中外的佘山圣母大殿,佘山天文台,天文博物馆,地震台,欢乐谷景区,月湖雕塑公园等。

    The Resort is well-known at home and abroad for Sheshan cathedral , Sheshan Observatory , Sheshan Astronomical Station , Seismological Station , Happy Valley Area and Moon-lake Sculpture Park , etc.

  5. 贵州茅台镇盛产白酒,其中以酱香型白酒最为典型,而茅台酒更是蜚声中外,在中国的酒文化中占据着特殊的地位。

    Guizhou Maotai Town abounds liquor , Maotai liquor in which the most typical , and is known in the world of Maotai , wine culture in China occupies a special position .

  6. 山东曲阜是中华文明的发源地之一,迄今已有数千年文明史,伟大的思想家、教育家、儒家学派的创始人孔子诞生于此,更使曲阜蜚声中外。

    Qufu is one of the cradle lands of Chinese civilization . With thousands years of the history of civilization , Qufu acts as the hometown of Confucius who is the great thinker , educator and founder of Confucianism renowned Chinese and abroad .

  7. 虽然茅台蜚声中外,但其销量近年来暴跌,部分原因是中国政府的反腐,该运动已经减少了政府奢靡接待宴和礼物交换的次数。

    Though the brand has a remarkable reputation both domestically and abroad , its sales have slumped in recent years , partly because of the Chinese government 's crackdown on corruption , which has reduced the number of extravagant government receptions and gift exchanges .