
  • 网络Guo State;state of guo
  1. 光纤照明系统在虢国博物馆中的应用

    Application of Optical Fiber Illumination System in Guo Kingdom Museum

  2. 远古至西周时期虢国地区的人文环境及其演进特点

    The Humane Environment and Evolution Features in Guo-guo Area

  3. 论虢国社会经济的发展

    Social economic development of ancient Guo State

  4. 而虢国夫人游春的坐骑,完全是另类牲口了。

    However , the horse rode by the lady of the Guo State is absolutely another sort of animal .

  5. 如果我们让晋军通过,他们早晨灭掉虢国,晚上就该轮到虞国了。

    If we let the Jin troops pass , the gap between Guo 's destruction an our is only a period of morning to evening .

  6. 结合考古资料与文献记载,分析了远古至西周时期虢国地区历史人文环境的演进及其特点。

    Combining archeological material and historical record , this paper analyses the humane environment and evolution features in Guo-guo area from remote antiquity to western Zhou times .

  7. 张悬曾留下了许多著名画作,包括《虢国夫人游春图》、《捣练图》、《卫夫人像》等。

    Zhang left many famous paintings , such as Paintings of Lady of Guoguo on a Spring Outing of the Tang Dynasty , Court Ladies Preparing Newly-Woven Silk and Lady of Wei .

  8. 本画描绘了杨贵妃的姐姐虢国夫人与从骑打马游春的情景,展示出盛唐时代上层社会优裕的日常生活。

    The painting reflects the hunting by a rich lady , the wife of Duke of Guo , a sister of the highest-ranking imperial concubine Yang Yuhuan in the Tang dynasty , during a beautiful spring season .

  9. 虢国墓地发掘的这批玉器为研究两周史、文化史、宝玉石史等诸方面提供了难得而庞大的标准器群。

    The jade articles unearthed from the graveyard of the Guo State provided rare and complete standard set of artifacts for studying the histories of two Zhou period , culture and development of jade ( stone ), etc.