
hǔ jīng
  • killer whale;orcas;ORCA WHALES;Orcinus orca;Grampus
  1. 伪虎鲸(Pseudorcacrassidens)是世界范围内广泛分布的一种大型海豚,但迄今关于该物种遗传变异的研究很少。

    False killer whale , Pseudorca crassidens , is a larger dolphin , distributed all over the world .

  2. 哦,是一头鲸鱼,一头虎鲸。

    Oh it 's a whale , a killer whale .

  3. 虎鲸就是最好的例子。

    There 's no better example of this than killer whales .

  4. 正因为如此,不同种群的虎鲸必须学习不同的捕猎技巧,以便在追捕当地猎物时占据上风。

    As such , different populations of killer whales have had to learn different hunting techniques in order to gain the upper hand over their local prey .

  5. 这反过来又对它们的饮食习惯产生了重大影响,这使得科学家纷纷猜测,虎鲸学习某一种群独特的捕猎方法的能力也许正在促进着它们的基因发展。

    This , in turn , has a major effect on their diet , leading scientists to expressed that the ability to learn population-specific hunting methods could be driving the animals ' genetic development .

  6. 正如人类,虎鲸也聚居在全球许多不同的栖息地,占据着地球上的每一处海洋盆地,其王国从南极延伸至北极。

    Like humans , killer whales have colonized a range of different habitats across the globe , occupying every ocean basin on the planet , with an empire that extends from pole to pole .

  7. 这段由业余人士拍摄的录像记录了两名嫌疑犯的到来,一对虎鲸,别名逆戟鲸,是它们把大白鲨都吓跑了吗?

    This amateur footage shows the arrival of two suspects , a pair of orcas – killer5 whales – could they have scared off all those great whites ?

  8. 人造“虎鲸”被派来驱赶Astoria的海狮

    Fake Orca Summoned To Scare Astoria 's Sea Lions

  9. 该市的主要旅游景点包括附近的门登霍尔冰川(MendenhallGlacier),那里的游客中心提供可以俯瞰熊出没区域的木板路游览,以及可以观看虎鲸和座头鲸的小船游览。

    Its main attractions include the nearby Mendenhall Glacier , where the visitors ' center offers boardwalk trails that overlook bear-viewing areas , and small boat trips to watch orca and humpback whales .

  10. 然而,是福克兰群岛的虎鲸

    It was the killer whales of the Falklands , though ,

  11. 虎鲸还没有火力全开发动攻击

    the killer whales have not yet made a full-blown attack ,

  12. 虎鲸大口一张从海象的育儿池里抢走小海象

    killer whales snatch young elephant seals from their nursery pool .

  13. 看那头在海里扑腾的虎鲸。

    Look at the killer whale splashing about in the sea .

  14. 他们要从空中寻找虎鲸并进行拍摄

    to find and film the killer whales from the air .

  15. 关掉引擎之后,船上每个人都听见虎鲸呼吸的声音。

    When the engine is off everyone aboard hears the orcas breathing .

  16. 还有,小心斑海豹和虎鲸。

    And watch out for those leopard seals and them killer whales .

  17. 多达14条虎鲸在距离游船30英尺距离内蹦来窜去的。

    As many as 14 came within 30 feet of the boat .

  18. 虎鲸是最大也最具攻击性的海豚科动物

    Orca - the largest and most predatory of the dolphin family .

  19. 冰层之上,虎鲸团队已经整装待发。

    On top of the ice , the Orca team has re-positioned .

  20. 我有过跟一头雌性的孤儿虎鲸一起工作的特别经验。

    I had the unique experience of working with a killer whale orphan .

  21. 你准备去阻拦一只虎鲸吗?

    You 're gonna to stop a tiger shark ?

  22. 孩子们,看那头虎鲸!

    Look at that killer whale boys and girls !

  23. 这是一只逆戟鲸,虎鲸的一种。

    It 's an Orca , a killer whale .

  24. 从上面跟踪它们的是虎鲸队伍。

    Tracking them from above is the orca team .

  25. 而又当海狮的数量变少后,虎鲸又开始猎杀海獭了。

    When the sea lion population crashed , they started fishing sea otters .

  26. 我们对虎鲸的所知有限

    Very little is known about Antarctic killer whales .

  27. 虎鲸海洋的顶级捕食�

    Killer whales . The ocean 's top predator .

  28. 现在在北极也常常可以见到虎鲸了

    Killer whales are now a much more common sight in the Arctic .

  29. 因为虎鲸高居食物链顶端,它们的寿命一般会很长。

    Because they are top predators , killer whales may have long life spans .

  30. 在最近的一个消息里,一个驯兽师被虎鲸杀了。

    In the news recently , a trainer was killed by a killer whale .