
  1. 蔡和森与《向导》周报

    Cai He-sen and the Weekly Guide

  2. 摘要蔡和森社会主义思想的形成,有一个明显的从空想到科学的演进过程。

    The formation of CAI he-sen 's socialist thought is a distinct process evolving from Utopia to science .

  3. 蔡和森与一九二四年广州商团事变研究商人、商团与商业投机&日伪统治时期的南京为个案

    Businessmen , Businessman Groups and Business Speculation & A Case Study of Nanjing Ruled by Japanese and Puppet Armies

  4. 关于蔡和森马克思主义观形成与发展的影响因素,本文主要从主观方面与客观方面进行了分析。

    Also this article mainly analyzed the influence factors when it forming and developing from the subjective and objective aspects .

  5. 蔡和森对社会主义的探索,集中表现在三个方面:第一,对资本主义制度的揭露与批判;

    Cai He-Sen 's exploration to socialism is collectively presented in three aspects : firstly , it exposes and criticizes capitalism system ;

  6. 在马克思主义中国化的发展进程中,先进分子是有力的推动者,蔡和森就是杰出代表之一。

    Marxism in China 's development process , the advanced elements of a powerful promoter of Cai Hesen is one of the outstanding representatives .

  7. 蔡和森社会主义思想是建立在社会实践基础之上的,是马克思主义与中国国情相结合的产物。

    Cai He-sen bases his socialist thought on social practice , which is a product of the combimation of Marxism and national conditions of china .

  8. 作为新民学会主要的发起人和领导人,蔡和森对学会的成立、发展和成熟做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    His shin min learn to the main sponsor the leader and the shin min to the establishment , development and mature made indelible contributions .

  9. 蔡和森对中国社会主义道路的理论探索主要包括中国走社会主义道路的历史必然性;

    The exploration about theory of Chinese Socialism road included the historical inevitability , the ways to start the road of socialism revolutionary and the conception of construction .

  10. 文章第二部分着重论述了蔡和森社会主义思想的内容,包括建党的主张和建党的必要性和可能性及其建党原则和具体步骤;

    The second part emphasized on the contents of Cai hesen 's socialist thoughts , including the claim , the necessity , the possibility , the principle and the concrete steps of building our party .