
  • 网络Tia;Tiya
  1. 对于一个令人难以置信的赛季来说这实在是锦上添花。要知道我是从皇家马德里C队开始,而在卡斯蒂亚结束。

    It was the icing on an incredible season which I started with Real Madrid C and ended with Castilla .

  2. 微软公司(Microsoft)首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德拉表示,云对微软的未来至关重要。

    Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the cloud is vital to his company 's future .

  3. 齐达内从2014年起担任皇马B队(卡斯蒂亚队)的教练,在西班牙足球乙二联赛征战。

    Since 2014 , Zidane has coached Real Madrid Castilla , the club 's B team , which plays in the third tier of Spanish football .

  4. 这份议案来源于Facebook上的一项将哈尔蒂亚山的Halditcohkka峰送给芬兰的公开活动。

    The proposal follows a public campaign on Facebook to give Finland the Halditcohkka peak of Halti Mountain .

  5. 日前,在微软(Microsoft)的季度收益电话会议上,公司首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德拉讲话中9次提到了“一”这个字。

    On Microsoft 's quarterly earnings conference call yesterday , the company 's chief executive , Satya Nadella , said the word " one " nine times in his prepared remarks . " Cloud " ?

  6. 微软的萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella),以及其他科技公司领导者。

    Satya Nadella , of Microsoft , and other tech leaders .

  7. 微软(Microsoft)首席执行官萨蒂亚?纳德拉(SatyaNadella)将其与15年前相比,当时比尔?盖茨(BillGates)动员公司的开发人员抗击电脑恶意程序。

    Satya Nadella , chief executive of Microsoft , compares it to 15 years ago when Bill Gates rallied his company 's developers to combat computer malware .

  8. 微软(Microsoft)正在非Windows操作系统领域展开大的动作,这是自该公司首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella,上图)两年前开始反思其核心软件战略以来,它在这一领域采取的最重大举措。

    Microsoft is taking its biggest step beyond the Windows operating system since chief executive Satya Nadella started a rethink of its core software strategy two years ago .

  9. 就在萨科齐总统说这番话的同时,两位诺贝尔经济学奖得主,约瑟夫.斯蒂格利茨(JosephStiglitz)和阿玛蒂亚.森(AmartyaSen)发表了一份新的报告,对衡量社会进步的传统方式进行评估。

    Mr. Sarkozy 's remarks coincided with the publication of a new report by two Nobel economists , Joseph Stiglitz and Armatya Sen , that looks at non-traditional ways at measuring social progress .

  10. 今非昔比了。自2014年2月萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella)被任命为首席执行官以来,微软已变得开放多了。

    How things have changed . Since chief executive Satya Nadella was appointed in February 2014 , Microsoft has become a far more open place .

  11. 跟几乎熟悉萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella)的任何人聊,早晚都会得到同一个看法:他是和史蒂夫•鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)完全相反的一类人。

    Talk to almost anyone who knows Satya Nadella , the new boss of Microsoft , and sooner or later they will come up with the same observation : he is the anti-Steve Ballmer .

  12. 记者迈克尔·金斯利曾有一句著名的论断,他说,政客的失态就是“说了实话——而且是一些不该说的大实话。”这句话现在可以套在微软(Microsoft)新任CEO萨蒂亚o纳德拉的头上了。

    Journalist Michael Kinsley famously defined a political gaffe as " when a politician tells the truth -- some obvious truth he isn 't supposed to say . " Satya Nadella , Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) neophyte CEO , might just be giving truth-telling by public figures a good name by turning Kinsley 's dictum on its head .

  13. 里西亚,摩德纳,帕尔马,皮亚琴察,Guastalla,奥斯维辛及Zator,Teschen,Friaul,拉古扎和萨拉的公爵;哈普斯堡及蒂罗尔,Kyburg,Gorizia及Gradisca皇室;特兰托及Brixen王子;上、下卢萨蒂亚伯爵”。还有其他级别更低的头衔。

    stalla , Auschwitz and Zator , Teschen , Friaul , Dubrovnik and Zadar ; Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol , of Kyburg , Gorizia and Gradisca ; Prince of Trento and Brixen ; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia . " His other titles were more minor .

  14. 我在约旦,看到莉蒂亚死讯。

    I 'm calling from jordan . I read that Lydia died .

  15. 这些音乐家就在这里——就在华盛顿。他们将在阿纳卡斯蒂亚演奏。

    These musicians are right here -- from right here in Washington .

  16. 再见-再见,莉蒂亚,再见,维克先生

    Goodbye . - Goodbye , Lydia . Goodbye , Mr Wickham .

  17. 这取决于该公司第三任首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德拉。

    That 's up to company 's third CEO , Satya Nadella .

  18. 有奥斯蒂亚克人和撒摩耶德人的混合血统的人。

    One of the people of mixed Ostyak and Samoyed origin in Siberia .

  19. 我开警笛送你去拉瓜蒂亚机场。

    I 'll take you red lights to laguardia .

  20. 关闭大桥间的阿那卡斯蒂亚公园。

    Close off Anacostia park between the bridges .

  21. 这一直是我们公司的重点,即使在萨蒂亚成为公司首席执行官之前也是如此。

    That 's been our focus as a company even before Satya became CEO .

  22. 我得在莉蒂亚毁了家族名声前帮班奈特先生一起找她

    I will join Mr Bennet and find Lydia before she ruins the family .

  23. 这种花是普洛蒂亚花系中花朵最大的一种,具有明显的对称结构。

    It has a distinctive symmetrical form with the largest flower head in the genus .

  24. 我跟莉蒂亚道别过了。

    I 've said goodbye to lydia .

  25. 你为莉蒂亚所做的一切

    After what you 've done for Lydia

  26. 并且,有时,他会到我的窗前,还带给我一些死掉的小东西。看,我是皮蒂亚克来的。

    And sometimes he 'll come to my window and bring me little dead things .

  27. 莉蒂亚结婚了,而且才十五岁

    Lydia married and at 15 too !

  28. 我的宝贝莉蒂亚,我的宝贝

    My baby Lydia , my baby !

  29. 莉蒂亚月事就停了。

    Lydia 's periods have stopped .

  30. 午安,詹姆斯先生-午安,莉蒂亚小姐

    Good afternoon , Mr James . Good afternoon , Miss Lydia . Miss Bennet . -