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  • He;used in a place name
  • 〔~泽〕地名,在中国山东省。

  1. 本文对921A钢焊接接头在海水腐蚀环境下受弯曲疲劳载菏作用时表面裂纹扩展规律进行了试验研究。

    The propagation of surface cracks in welded connections made of type " 921A " steel has been investigated experimentally under bending fatigue load and in the corrosive environment of seawater .

  2. 作者用MPX-200型栓-盘摩擦磨损试验机测试了模压聚四氟乙烯的磨损性能,考察了滑动速度、负菏、温度及偶件表面粗糙度对磨损的影响。

    The wear characteristics of polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) were tested on the model MPX-200 pin-on-disk tester in this paper . The effects of sliding speed , load , temperature and surface roughness of counterparts on wear were determined .

  3. 菏东一级公路沥青混凝土路面施工技术

    Construction Technology of Bituminous Concrete Pavement of Hedong First grade Highway

  4. 菏而蒙被称为胰岛素,具有促进生长的作用。

    The hormone is called insulin-like growth factor , or IGF-one .

  5. 美国俄克拉菏马州东北部一个主要的城市,位于阿肯色河上。

    A major city of northeastern Oklahoma on the Arkansas river .

  6. 刺槐优良无性系菏刺1号选择的研究

    Selection of a good yellow locust clone & Heci 1

  7. 关于新菏线煤炭分流与扩能的探讨

    Exploration or Dividing Traffic Flow of Coal and Enlarging Capacity or Xin-He Line

  8. 我们蹬新系列精现菏事于今晚7时30钢开始播傣。

    Our serial thriller begins at7.30 this evening .

  9. 曲菏高速公路膨胀土地基与路基处治技术研究

    Research on the Settlement Technology of Qufu-Heze Expressway Subgrade or Foundation of Expansive Soil

  10. 菏酸双酯钠在治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病中的应用

    PSS in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia

  11. 试图解释表面态对驻极体的表面电导率和电菏输运过程的影响。

    We try to explain their influence on the surface conductivity and charge transfer of electrets .

  12. 街讲上恿开又滑,我们只菏荀重渐渐天骑车。

    The streets wet and slippery , we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully .

  13. 济-菏高速公路穿过稻屯洼湿地东部,将湿地分为东西两部分。

    Ji-he highway goes through the eastern of the wetland and divides the wetland into two parts .

  14. 结合新菏线封闭式路堑的设计,简要总结和介绍了封闭式路堑的结构形式与设计方法等。

    The paper gives a summary of the structural form and design method of closed road cutting .

  15. 目的研究含三氯羟基二苯醚、薄菏及表面活性剂配制的漱口液消毒杀菌性能。

    Objective To study the disinfection and germicidal properties of a gargle containing triclosan , peppermint and surfactant .

  16. 这个来自俄克拉菏马州塔尔萨市的女子这样说道:她的失望透顶且无性的婚姻让她感觉非常幻灭。

    The Tulsa , Okla. woman says she was living with a lot of disillusionment in a disappointing , sexless marriage .

  17. 正在建设的济&菏高速公路穿越稻屯洼湿地,公路建设过程及建成运营后都会对稻屯洼湿地的生态环境产生影响。

    The Ji-He Highway in building drills through Daotunwa Wetland , the Highway when in building or in using will brought some impacts on wetland .

  18. 介绍膨胀土地基和路基的处治技术与关键施工工艺。分析曲菏高速公路路基膨胀土的矿物成分、膨胀性与膨胀潜势;

    The paper introduces the treatment technology and key construction technique for swelling soil , subgrade , analyses mineral constituents , expansibility and expanding potent of swelling soil subgrade ;

  19. 聚合物电介质材料在低温(接近或低于液氮沸点)下比室温下能俘获更多由电极注入的带电粒子并形成空间电菏,将影响聚合物电介质在低温下的介电性能。

    More charged particals can be trapped in polymer dielectrics at cryogenic temperatures than at room temperatures and form space charges , which have influence on dielectric properties of polymers at cryogenic temperatures .

  20. 指出:①对于抗剪能力较弱的复合材料曲板,横向剪力的影响将显著降低临界载菏的值,因而不能忽略它的效应,否则,所得到的临界值将毫无意义;

    It is seen that ( 1 ) the transverse shear force plays an important role in the reduction of critical load for a very weak transverse shear resistant capability of com - posite laminated curved panel ;

  21. 通过引入不同论域的模糊集的加法,讨论了在不同模糊特性的模糊载菏作用下模糊挠度的计算。

    Then , the addition between the fuzzy sets in unidentical regions is introduced , Based on the addition , the calculation of fuzzy deflection is discussed when the fuzzy loads with unidentical fuzzy characteristics act on beams .