
  • 网络Yingge District
  1. 新北市莺歌区凤鸣国小校园内的陶瓷艺术墙与艺术作品。

    Ceramic art murals and other artworks at Fengming Elementary School in New Taipei City 's Yingge District .

  2. 地球物理综合解释技术与莺歌海盆地东方区集束勘探

    Integrated techniques of geophysical interpretation and cluster exploration in Dongfang block , Yinggehai Basin

  3. 高分辨率地震勘探技术在莺歌海盆地大气区勘探中的应用

    Application of high resolution seismic technique to the exploration in the giant gas region of Yinggehai Basin