
  • 网络Drug circulation;drug distribution
  1. 中美两国药品流通模式的比较与探讨

    Comparison of Drug Distribution Mode Between America and Ch in a

  2. 美国药品流通模式分析与启示

    US drug distribution model analysis and revelations

  3. 目的:提升我国医药流通企业的竞争力,使之更好地适应WTO规则,以构建一条安全、高效、便捷的药品流通之路。

    OBJECTIVE : To raise the competition power of China 's pharmaceutical enterprises , make them adapt to the principle of WTO better , and finally to build a safe , effective , and convenient pharmaceutical circulation channel .

  4. 结合RFID技术和EPC技术,对系统的总体架构、功能模块和系统数据库进行了分析和设计,阐述了本系统在药品流通追溯管理中的具体应用。

    Thirdly , combined with RFID technology and EPC technology , this paper analyzes and designs the overall system framework , functional modules and system database , with the description of specific application of this system in the drug traceability management .

  5. 目的科学评价药品流通供应链。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the pharmaceutical distribution supply chain scientifically .

  6. 我国城市药品流通的现状分析与对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures and Status about urban drug flow in China

  7. 药品流通中的逆价格现象分析及其治理

    On the " Adverse Price " in Medicines Circulation and Measures

  8. 最后展望了药品流通渠道的发展趋势。

    At last , the development trend of medicine circulation is presented .

  9. 日本药品流通体制变革及对我国的启示

    The Revelatory Research on Transformation of Japanese Drugs Distribution System

  10. 组建大型现代药品流通企业;

    To build up large scale modern drug circulation enterprises ;

  11. 强化药品流通监管力度规范药品营销和采购行为

    Strengthening the Control of Drug Circulation and Standardizing the Drug Marketing and Purchasing

  12. 药品流通供应链评价指标体系的构建思路探讨

    Discussion on Construction of Performance Evaluation Index System of Pharmaceutical Distribution Supply Chain

  13. 输电线路绕击事故及对策这些都反映了药品流通存在一定程度的市场失灵。

    Shielding Failure and Countermeasure of Transmisson Line That is " Market failure " .

  14. 这些都反映了药品流通存在一定程度的市场失灵。

    That is " Market failure " .

  15. 药品流通渠道与药品的价格及质量有着密切联系。

    There is close relationship between the distribution and the quality and the price of drugs .

  16. 方法通过查阅相关文献,分析美国药品流通模式的特点。

    Methods Based on the documents and reports , the characteristics of US model were analyzed .

  17. 但随着药品流通国家垄断局面的打破以及医药、医疗制度新举措的出台,渠道内竞争平衡打破,资源逐步重组。

    But following the reform in medicine system , the balance of competition has been broken .

  18. 药品流通体制改革若干政策分析

    Policy Analysis on Drug Circulation Reform

  19. 目的为了学习和借鉴美国高度集约化的药品流通模式的经验。

    Objective To learn the good experience of US drug distribution model and use it as reference .

  20. 这种畸形格局既不利于药品流通业的发展,也不利于公众健康权的实现。

    This occasion is harmful to both the development of pharmaceutical circulation and the public rights of health .

  21. 四是要加大医药分开核算的考核力度,改革药品流通体制;

    Separate calculation the expenditure on medical service and drug , and reform the circulation system of drug market ;

  22. 药品流通企业没有信息化管理,就不可能实现现代化。

    It the basic requirement is beyond reach , drugs circulation enterprises is impossible to information management and modernization .

  23. 弱势群体的医保视角:我国药品流通领域缺陷及对国外的借鉴

    Medical Insurance from the View of Disadvantaged Groups : Drawbacks of China 's Medical Treatment and the Reference from Foreign Countries

  24. 过去的研究表明,药品流通领域的混乱,不是因为无利和微利,恰恰是高利润驱动的结果。

    The previous studies showed that the chaos of the drug distribution system was just driven by high margin and profit .

  25. 但我国目前的药品流通领域弊端对他们享受医保带来了负面压力。

    But the drawbacks in the present circulation of medicines have brought about some negative pressures on them to enjoy medical treatment .

  26. 其次,着力分析我国现行药品流通体制下药品价格政府规制所存在的主要问题。

    Secondly , the focus of our current drug distribution system , government regulation of drug prices under the main problems that exist .

  27. 其目的是切断医和药之间的直接经济利益联系,相配套的应该完善医疗服务补偿机制和调整医疗服务价格,同时改革药品流通体制。

    To realize this goal , we should perfect medical services compensation system , adjust health services price , and reform medicine circulation system .

  28. 结果与结论:我国医疗卫生体制改革要与医疗保险体制改革、药品流通体制改革联动、配套;

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : The reform of Chinese medical and health system should in line with medical insurance reform and drug circulation system reform .

  29. 另一方面,传统的药品流通体制下,药品流通效率低下,发展缓慢,流通市场存在无序竞争、违法经营等现象。

    Second , the traditional circulation system develops slowly and is lack of efficiency . Sometimes , unorderly competitions and illegal operations happen on the market .

  30. 药品流通的主要问题在于,一方面我国以药养医的医疗卫生体制没有得到根本解决,医疗机构成为药品消费的主要渠道,形成了药品流通的畸形格局。

    First , the " Medicine feeds doctor " system still exists and the medical institutions strangely become the major places of people 's medicine consumption .