
  1. 6年蒸发量是影响青海湖北岸草甸化草原植物7、8月份覆盖度的主要因子,呈负相关关系(P0.01)。

    Annual evaporation was major climatic factors affecting on the height of Artemisia scoparia.6.The annual mean evaporation was a main factor to impact the cover degree of plant populations of meadow grassland in July and August , and there was a negative correlation between them ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 幼林保存率由10%提高到80%以上,并使草甸化的迹地;

    The rate of young forest was increased from 10 % to above 80 % .

  3. 临泽盐化草甸土壤理化性质的空间格局分析

    Analysis on the spatial pattern of physical and chemical characteristics of salined meadow soil in Linze County

  4. 受光谱分辨率和空间分辨率的影响,能从图像上提取到信息的湿地类型有河流、河漫滩、湖泊、水田、沼泽、草甸、沼泽化草甸。

    Limited by spectrum resolution and spatial resolution , we were only able to derive the categories of river , flood plain , lake , paddy field , swamp , grass marshland and morass from RS images .

  5. 结果表明,MDM可显著改善草甸碱土的理化性质。

    Results showed that MDM could obviously improve the physical and chemical properties of the alkali soil .

  6. 不同沙漠化程度高寒草甸的土壤理化性质特征

    Soil physiochemical properties of different desertification lands in alpine region

  7. 不同退化程度高寒草甸草原土壤理化特征的研究

    Study on the Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Alpine Meadow under Different Degradation Degrees

  8. 在实施天然草原退牧还草示范工程的青海省玉树县上拉秀乡进行了3年禁牧封育退化草地的观测,研究了禁牧封育对高寒草甸和高寒沼泽化草甸退化草地的改良作用。

    The effect of enclosing and grazing prohibition on the improvment of deteriorated alpine meadow and the alpine swamp meadow was conducted .

  9. 通过研究碱化草甸土的理化性状、碳库变化、土壤酶活性和玉米产量的变化及相关性,确定建立适合当地土壤培肥的最佳模式。

    The best fertilization model of improving saline-alkali soil fertility was to be established through studying physico-chemical properties of saline-alkali soil , carbon pool , soil enzyme activities and changes of corn yield and correlations among all indexes .

  10. 就物种丰富度而言,亚高山草甸和高山草甸较高,亚高山草原和高山沼泽草甸较低,而亚高山草甸化草原和亚高山草原化草甸处于两者之间。

    The species richness of the subalpine meadow and alpine meadow is high , that of subalpine steppe and alpine swamp meadow is low , and that of the subalpine meadow steppe and subalpine steppe meadow is moderate .