
  1. 苏和丈夫决定离婚。

    Sue and her husband decided to go their separate ways .

  2. RisФ1508的赖、苏和缬氨酸含量均较高,并有显著的正的直接加性和母体加性效应,是改良赖氨酸含量较好的亲本。

    Parent Ris Φ 1508 , due to its high content of Lys , Thr and Val in addition to obviously positive predicted values of direct additive effects and maternal additive effects , was more suitable than other parents for improving Lys content of barley .

  3. 苏和我都开电动车。

    Sue and I both drive electric cars , he says .

  4. 苏和她的父亲将要去寻找复活节彩蛋。

    Sue and her dad are going on an Easter egg hunt .

  5. 我们是苏和约翰吗?我们是吗?

    Are we sue and john ? Are we ?

  6. 旁白:桑迪,苏和艾伦正到公园去。

    Narrator : Sandy , Sue and Alan are going to the park .

  7. 苏和她的未婚夫计划骑自行车环游世界。

    Sue and her fiance are planning a tour around the world by bicycle .

  8. 苏和迈克上个月结婚了。

    Sue and Mike got married last month .

  9. 苏和蔷希的房间在一栋三层楼砌砖建筑物的顶楼上。

    Sue and Johnsy had their room at the top of a brick building with three floors .

  10. 在一幢三层砖楼的顶层,苏和约翰西辟了个画室。

    At the top of a three story brick building , Sue and Johnsy had their studio .

  11. 得到有效组织地机场迎接后,我们在别墅遇见了可爱的苏和菲利普。沃克。

    We met the lovely Sue and Philip Walker at the Villa after an efficiently organized airport pickup .

  12. 探讨了底苏和大梁子铅锌矿床闪锌矿的微量元素标型特征及其意义。

    This paper deals with typomorphic characteristics and their significance of minor elements of sphalerite from Disu and Daliangzi Pb-Zn deposits .

  13. 共有;合用苏和另外三个学生合住一所房子。

    to have or use sth at the same time as sb else Sue shares a house with seven other students .

  14. 他是在他们后边,离得很远,不过他立刻认出来是苏和费乐生。

    He was too far back for them to notice him , but he knew in a moment that they were Sue and Phillotson .

  15. 他的父母,苏和杰瑞,40年前就开始收养小孩,并且收养的大多是残疾人及非常需要医疗的小孩。

    His parents , Sue and Jerry Smith , have fostered children for about 40 years and have concentrated on those with disabilities and serious medical needs .

  16. 山杨桦木混交林优势树种是山杨和白桦,灌木层中毛榛的优势地位与其他物种相比很明显,草本层优势种有糙苏和类叶升麻。

    The dominance of wool hazel compared with other species is very obvious in shrub layer , and the dominance species in herb layer are brown and cohosh .

  17. 苏和罗勃吵了一架,罗勃临走时说了一句:我希望再也见不到你

    Sue and Rob had quarreled . As Rob walked out the door , his parting shot was , " I hope I 'll never see you again !"

  18. 在一份随访研究报告中,苏和他的同事们对山东省汶上、兖州和嘉祥县240例企图自杀者作了分析。

    In a study that included follow-up interviews , Su and his colleagues looked at240 cases of attempted suicide in counties including Wenshang , Yanzhou and Jiaxiang in Shandong province .