
yá shēnɡ bāo zǐ
  • blastospore
  1. 芽生孢子萌发所需湿度在75%以上,分生孢子则在RH85%左右时开始大量萌发。

    Blastospore Can germinate when the relative humidity reach 75 % , and conidia start to germinate when the relative humidity is about 85 % .

  2. 该菌菌剂已能在工厂进行规模生产,产品的芽生孢子或分生孢子含量可达3~5×10~(10)孢子/g。

    Mass production of this fungus was achieved , the content of blastospore / conidium in the product could be up to 3 - 5 × 1010 spores / g.

  3. 光密度监测和细胞活力分析证明富组蛋白能抑制或杀灭白色念珠菌芽生孢子。

    Optical density monitoring and cell viability assay demonstrated that histatins inhibit and kill Candida albicans blastospore .

  4. 是用患有肾念珠菌病的患者的小便做的直接涂片,显示有菌丝的白假丝酵母菌。以出芽方式增殖,在组织内可见芽生孢子和假菌丝。

    Direct smear of urine from a patient with candidiasis of the kidney showing C.albicans in mycelial or tissue phase with blastoconidia budding from the pseudohyphae .

  5. 阴道组织病理显示雌激素化、免疫抑制及复发感染小鼠在接种后第2天开始至21天,阴道黏膜可见芽生孢子或菌丝侵入,伴有较多的炎性细胞浸润。

    Under microscope it was showed that all vaginal mucosa were invaded by blastospore and hyphe , accompanied with inflammatory cell infiltration , except for control group .

  6. 芽生孢子是许多真菌通过出芽方式产生的无性孢子,在液体发酵中主要以这种形式大量繁殖。

    Blastospores are asexual reproductive spores that originate by budding , as in yeasts and many filamentous fungi . In liquid culture , many fungi reproduce in this form .

  7. 其他各种真菌芽生孢子产生方式相似,在菌丝体形成后就开始大量以菌丝出芽或缢缩产生芽生孢子,接着还可通过芽生孢子的出芽或缢缩断裂产生新的芽生孢子。

    For the other species , blastospores formed in similar way : blastospore formed in large amount by budding or constriction of hyphae soon after mycelium formation , and then by budding or constriction of blastospores .