
  • 网络Huaxi;flore;Flowery brook
  1. 试验结果表明,10%博邦水分散剂在贵阳花溪的西瓜田中施用后,在土壤中的消解半衰期为17.6d;

    The results indicated that the half-life is 17.6d in soil and 1.9d in whole watermelons in Guiyang , Huaxi China .

  2. 灰色线性规划在花溪区牧业结构优化中的应用

    Application of Grey-Linear Programme for Optimization of Livestock Structure in Huaxi

  3. 喀斯特山区花溪河大型水生植物资源的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Aquatic Macrophyte of Huaxi River in Karst Mountainous Area

  4. 高校新校区校园规划的分析与思考&兼论重庆工学院花溪校区校园规划

    The Analysis and Research of the New Campus Planning of High School

  5. 重庆市花溪镇大气环境质量预测与保护

    Air Quality Forcast and Protection of Huaxi Town in Chongqing

  6. 黔上翡翠项链&花溪河

    Huaxi River Wears a Jade Necklace around Guizhou Province

  7. 联产承包责任制给农民带来实惠&对花溪区50户农民家庭经济收支的调查

    Output-related system of contracted responsibilities brings peasants substantial benefits

  8. 贵阳市花溪区城市形态与建筑风格研究

    Probe into Urban Form and Architecture Style of Huaxi District of Guiyang City

  9. 花溪水库双支墩大头坝的改建及加高设计

    Modification and heightening of Huaxi Massive-head Double Buttress Dam

  10. 花溪:中国第一爱河&兼论旅游地形象定位的概念及策划

    HUAXI : The First Love 's River of China

  11. 贵阳花溪地区野生蛙类感染曼氏裂头蚴的调查

    Field Investigation of Sparganosis in Frogs in Huaxi Area

  12. 花溪区走好可持续发展之路的探索

    Probe into the Sustainable Development Approach of Huaxi Region

  13. 花溪旅游资源有其独特的美学特征。

    Hua Xi has unique characteristics in aesthetics .

  14. 贵阳花溪鱼莲共生模式试验

    A Experiment on the Symbiotic Model of Fish and Lotus in Huaxi , Guiyang

  15. 重庆市花溪工业园区生态化改造研究

    Study on Eco-transformation of Chongqing Huaxi Industrial Park

  16. 贵阳花溪区石灰土林地土壤重金属含量特征及其污染评价

    Heavy metal concentrations and pollution assessment of limestone forests in Huaxi district , Guiyang City

  17. 在贵阳,花溪的一些风和女人将我深深地勾引着。

    In Guiyang , colored brook some winds and the woman deeply deeply areenticing me .

  18. 连江花溪船闸下闸首地基岩溶处理工程

    Treatment of Karst Foundation of the Lower Head of Huaxi Lock in the Lianjiang River

  19. 贵阳市花溪区天然林保护工程效益评价

    The Benefit Evaluation of Natural Forest Protection Project in Hua Xi District of Guiyang City

  20. 贵阳市花溪河大型浮游动物的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Zooplankton in Huaxi River

  21. 小流域水体污染对周边环境影响研究&以花溪河流域为例

    Influence of water pollution on environment of small watershed : A case study of Huaxi River

  22. 碳酸盐岩风化壳岩-土界面地球化学特征及其形成过程&以贵州花溪灰岩风化壳剖面为例

    Geochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of rock-soil interface in limestone weathering crust at huaxi , Guizhou Province

  23. 贵阳花溪地区下三叠统大冶组遗迹化石及沉积环境分析

    Trace Fossils and Their Depositional Environments of the Early Triassic Daye Formation in Huaxi Area , Guiyang

  24. 贵阳花溪变电站配网选线保护的研究

    Study of Fault Line Selection Protection in Small Current Grounding Power System of Substation of GUIYANG HUAXI

  25. 贵阳市花溪至青岩一带安尼锡克期地层及岩相特征

    The Features of Anisic Stratigraphy and Lithofacies of the Zone from Huaxi to Qingyan of Guiyang City

  26. 花溪地区煤锈水及煤锈田化学性状的初步研究

    Studied on the Chemical Properties of Paddy Soil Polluted by the Coal Mine Water in Huaxi Area

  27. 喀斯特地区城乡交错带的旅游开发构想&以贵阳市花溪为例

    Tourism development of the urban-rural fringe in karst area & with a special reference to Huaxi district

  28. 这些分析构成一个完整体系,展示了新时期花溪城郊结合部的村民自治的特点。

    All above these can show us the characters of Self-governance among villagers of Hua-xi in new period .

  29. 本文作者以“花溪摄影基地”项目进行资产可行性分析。

    The authors of this article analyze a project , which is called " Huaxi Photography Base " .

  30. 贵阳花溪迎宾馆设计在特定的自然环境条件下,因地制宜采取分散式布局,体现山地建筑特色;

    According to circumstances of given natural surroundings , the designer adopts decentralized building arrangement for the Huaxi Guesthouse .