
  • 网络Zhifu Island
  1. 对烟台芝罘岛北岸海岸沉积研究发现,在坡积层中存在异常情况下形成的海滩砂砾石沉积层。

    Results of researches on the coastal sediments from the north coast of the Zhifu Island , Yantai revealed that existed in the slope wash layer beach sandy gravel formed in abnormal conditions .

  2. 采用样方调查法对芝罘岛、养马岛和龙须岛岩岸潮间带的无脊椎动物群落进行了系统的生态学研究,样方面积为40cm×40cm。

    Quadrat method is used to investigate the invertebrate communities of rocky intertidal zone . Quadrat size is set at 40 cm × 40 cm .