
wèi chánɡ bìnɡ
  • gastroenteropathy;gastrointestinal disease
  1. 方法:将60例胃肠病患者分为HP(+)组和HP(-)组,并设30例健康人作为对照。

    Method : 60 cases of gastroenteropathy patients were divided into 2 groups randomly : 30 cases in H.pylori ( + ) group and 30 cases in H.pylori ( - ) group . 30 healthy persons were regarded as control group .

  2. 叶桂宣通胃阳说与胃肠病证治

    Diffusing and Obstruction-removing Gastric Yang Theory of Ye Gui and Treatment of Gastroenteropathy Based on Syndrome Differentiation

  3. ~(13)C呼气试验的方法学及在胃肠病临床的应用

    Methodology and application of ~ ( 13 ) C breath test in gastroenterological practice

  4. 食管测压和pH监测:胃肠病专家所坚持的公开准则

    Esophageal manometry and pH monitoring : Gastroenterologists ' adherence to published guidelines

  5. 美国胃肠病协会是社会信任的GI的声音。

    The American Gastroenterological Association is the trusted voice of the GI community .

  6. IBS发病广泛,占胃肠病门诊的20%~50%。

    The incidence of IBS is 20 to 50 percent in gastrointestinal clinic .

  7. 结论不同胃肠病患者的胃液pH值不同,胃液pH可能会影响IgA的含量及Hp的感染情况。

    It is concluded that the gastric pH may influence the level of IgA in gastric juices of patients with gastrointestinal disorders .

  8. 如何有效的防治IBS,已成为当前功能性胃肠病研究的热点。

    How to prevention and cure the IBS is hotspot of the research in GI .

  9. 肠易激综合征(IBS)是临床上最常见的功能性胃肠病之一。

    Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders .

  10. 胃肠病学家对于大剂量静脉使用PPI预防消化性溃疡出血镜下止血后再出血的使用会很熟悉。

    Gastroenterologists will be familiar with the use of high-dose PPI intravenously for the prevention of re-bleeding following endotherapy for bleeding peptic ulcer .

  11. 目的:观察2型糖尿病患者小肠消化间期移行性复合运动(MMC)变化,并分析其与糖尿病胃肠病的关系。

    Objective To investigate the variety of interdigestive migrating motor complex in patients with diabetes mellitus and to detect the relation to gastrointestinal disease in diabetes .

  12. AGA研究院每月出版两种高质量的杂志:胃肠病学和临床胃肠病和肝脏病学。

    On a monthly basis , the AGA Institute publishes two highly respected journals , Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology .

  13. 本文介绍一种依据HBT(氢呼吸试验)原理和方法研制的新型胃肠病诊断仪器。

    Based on the principles and the method of hydrogen breath test ( HBT ), a new type of instrument for diagnosing the gut diseases has been developed .

  14. 功能性便秘(Functionalconstipation,FC)是一种较为常见的功能性胃肠病,该病发病率高,我国慢性便秘的发病率约为6.07%,欧洲和大洋洲则高达19.8%。

    Functional constipation ( FC ) is a more common functional gastrointestinal disorders , high incidence of the disease , the incidence of chronic constipation is about 6.07 % in China , Europe and Oceania as high as 19.8 % .

  15. 文献综述部分,对近数年来中医药治疗功能性消化不良(FD)的概况进行总结和分析,并探讨了抑郁症与功能性胃肠病的关系。

    In the overview of documents , the author sums up and analyses the therapeutic methods of functional dyspepsia ( FD ) in recent years , and search for the relationship of depression with FD .

  16. 研究背景:嗜酸粒细胞性胃肠炎(Eosinophilicgastroenteritis,EG)是一种不常见的胃肠病,虽然其发病率和诊断率近年来均有所升高,但误诊、漏诊仍较常见。

    Background & Aim : Eosinophilic gastroenteritis ( EG ) is an uncommon eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders . Although the prevalence and diagnostic rate of EG has been improved in recent years , the misdiagnosis is still common .

  17. 目的探讨精神情绪因素与功能性胃肠病(FGID)的关系及抗抑郁药对其的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the role of psychological factors in functional gastrointestinal disorders ( FGID ) and clinical effects of antidepressant drugs in FGID patients .

  18. 奥马哈内布拉斯加大学医学中心的胃肠病学家TimMcCashland说,辛辣的菜肴会降低食道底部肌肉的压力,这样胃酸会倒流到食道。

    Chili Peppers This staple of spicy cuisine can lower the pressure of the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus , allowing stomach acid to spill back up into the esophagus , says Tim McCashland , M.D. , a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center , in Omaha .

  19. 常见胃肠病患儿胃肠道菌群变化研究进展

    Study Progress on Gastroenterological Bacterial Flora in Children with Digestive Disease

  20. 精神心理因素和自主神经功能在功能性胃肠病发病中的意义

    Significance of psychological factors and autonomic nervous function in functional gastrointestinal disorders

  21. 5-羟色胺7受体与功能性胃肠病

    - HT _ 7 receptor and functional gastrointestinal disorders

  22. 胃肠病辨治初探

    Preliminary Discussion on Syndrome Differentiation-based Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease

  23. 难治性功能性胃肠病的心理因素识别

    Identification of psychological factors in refractory functional gastrointestinal disorders

  24. 功能性胃肠病罗马Ⅲ儿科标准及其与罗马Ⅱ标准的比较

    Comparison between Rome ⅲ and Rome ⅱ Pediatric Criteria of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

  25. 如果腔内术式证明有效,胃肠病学家应与肥胖治疗外科医师合作。

    If endoluminal procedures are proven effective , gastroenterologists should partner with bariatric surgeons .

  26. 心理因素对功能性胃肠病患者生活质量的影响

    Effects of Psychological Factors on the Quality of Life of Functional Gastrointestinal Disease Patients

  27. 功能性胃肠病病理生理研究和治疗策略

    Pathophysiology and therapy of functional gastrointestinal disorders

  28. 胃肠病学家把柔顺的内镜轻柔地放置到镇定的病人喉咙以下。

    A gastroenterologist places a flexible endoscope down the throat of a mildly sedated patient .

  29. 作为一位消化内科医生,必须同时也是一位善于治疗精神性胃肠病的精神科医生。

    A gastroenterologist must also be a psychiatrist skillful in the treatment of psychopathic gastrointestinal disease .

  30. 功能性胃肠病研究现状

    Research Situation of Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases