
  1. 中国的聂卫平九段将出战。

    Ninth-dan Chinese Nie Weiping will take over .

  2. 马晓春掷钱币猜输了,这盘棋只得让聂卫平先走。

    Ma Xiaochun lost the toss and had to let Nie Weiping to start the game of go chess first .

  3. 从谷歌的新浪微博账号发布的数张图片中可以看到,世界冠军聂卫平和中国围棋队总教练余斌参加了此次会面。

    Google 's Sina Weibo account posted several pictures of the meeting that included world champion Nie Weiping , and Yu Bin , head of the Chinese Go team .