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zhào yī
  • gown;smock;cover;coverall;dustcoat;slop;coverslut;shell
罩衣 [zhào yī]
  • (1) [cover;dustcoat]∶为保护其他衣服而穿的外衣

  • (2) [slop]∶干活人穿的宽松外衣(如长罩衫,短罩衫,围裙或工作服)

罩衣[zhào yī]
  1. 实验室助手穿着一件白罩衣。

    The lab assistant was wearing a white overall .

  2. 医护人员应有个人专用罩衣、手套、面罩和护目镜。

    Hospital staff should have individual gowns , gloves , masks and goggles .

  3. 那艺术家的罩衣上沾满了颜料。

    The artist 's smock was covered in paint .

  4. 医院罩衣是人们在医院接受治疗时穿的。

    A hospital gown is worn by people receiving medical treatment in hospital .

  5. 那店员穿着白色长罩衣。

    The shop assistant was wearing a white overall .

  6. 医生和护士在动手术时穿手术罩衣。

    Doctors and nurses wear surgical gowns when they 're carrying out operations .

  7. 有许多穿着印花布罩衣的天使。

    There are angels in printed cotton smocks .

  8. 我已经穿上了长罩衣,准备开始工作了。

    I 've got my overalls on , so I 'm ready to start work .

  9. 那个穿白色罩衣的实验室工作人员原来是总裁的女儿。

    The laboratory worker in a white overall turned out to be the president 's daughter .

  10. 这样的一件镂空花边罩衣几乎是无价之宝,因为上面的刺绣技术已经有了几百年的历史。

    Such a Bonnet blouses is virtually priceless because a single garment meets several years of meticulous embroidery .

  11. 她俩的头发是老式打扮,梳成了长辫子,身上穿的是古色古香的罩衣,脚上穿的是漆皮鞋。

    They wore their hair braided old-fashioned in long pigtails and they wore old-fashioned frocks and white patent-leather shoes .

  12. 这种绵羊穿的罩衣,是用0.05毫米厚的聚乙烯薄膜制成的,在剪完羊毛之后给羊穿上。

    The coats , made of polythene sheet 0.05 millimetre thick , are fitted on the sheep after shearing .

  13. 哈利穿上罩衣,尽量装作没看见挡风玻璃上的雨刷在无力地摆动,好像是一种抗议。

    Harry pulled his sweater back on , trying to ignore the way the windshield wipers were now waving feebly , as though in protest .

  14. 结果:(1)罩衣挡风性能差,降低了保暖效果;

    Results : ( 1 ) The performance of the overall of this clothing in keeping out the wind was poor , so the effect of thermal insulation was reduced ;

  15. 绵羊罩衣可减少被毛中植物杂质及灰尘含量,防止毛丛顶端的日光风化,提高羊毛生长速度及羊毛品质,增加净毛产量。在较冷地区还有御寒保暖作用。

    Sheep overclothes can keep warm and prevent top of staple from insolation weathering and decrease the impurity and dust , increase wool yield and quality especially in chilliness area .

  16. 一切是由穿着白罩衣的受过专门训练的侍者给你端上。将形体训练惯穿于健美操专选课的始终,才能取得良好的教学效果。

    Everything was served up by those professional waiters in their white coats . It is sure to take body-building in the speciality course of aerobics from the beginning to the end .

  17. 他和罗恩都脱掉了罩衣,可哈利的衬衫湿得贴在椅背上,眼镜老往鼻尖上滑。

    He and Ron had pulled off their sweaters , but Harry 's T-shirt was sticking to the back of his seat and his glasses kept sliding down to the end of his sweaty nose .

  18. 许多雕像都带着红色针织帽,身穿棉布罩衣,有的面前还堆着日元硬币组成的供奉,摞在雕像覆满青苔的大腿上方(这些最小的零钞终于有点用处了)。

    Many of the statues were dressed in red knitted hats and cloth bibs , and some held little piles of one-yen coins , left as offerings , in their moss-covered laps ( at last ! a use for this smallest of small change ) .