
  • 网络Rollins;RAWLINGS;rawlins;Seth Rollins
  1. 罗林斯强调无法证明这种药物和多起死亡事件之间存在因果关系。

    Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths

  2. 罗林斯:他只是个男孩罢了。

    Rawlins : He 's just a boy .

  3. 别冲我叫嚷,亨利·罗林斯!

    Don 't you raise your voice to me , Henry Rollins !

  4. 罗林斯已在办公室遭警察拘捕。

    Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office

  5. 克莱格和罗林斯指出,未经防皱处理的棉纤维表面,通常有凿槽和微纤化现象发生

    Clegg and Rollins indicate that nonwrinkleresistant cotton fibers often exhibIt'surface gouges and fibrillation .

  6. 今年6月,在圣保罗的新城市峰会(NewCitiesSummit)上,我趁罗林斯偷偷打盹时找到了他。

    I found Rawlings sneaking a catnap at the New Cities Summit in Sao Paulo in June .

  7. “他想知道是什么样的魔力导致了这样的变化,一小时前使他厌恶的东西,现在却发疯似地想得到它”(玛乔丽K。罗林斯)

    " He wondered by what alchemy it was changed , so that what sickened him one hour , maddened him with hunger the next "( Marjorie K.Rawlings )

  8. 当看到亨利•罗林斯(HenryRollins)在电影中突然出现时,我们总是忍俊不禁。

    It 's always fun when Henry Rollins pops up in a movie .

  9. 佛罗里达州罗林斯学院的国际商贸学教授马克·费斯凯林(MarkFetscherin)近期发现公司利润和首席执行官的脸型之间存在联系。

    Mark Fetscherin , professor of international business at Rollins College , Florida , has recently found a link between company profits and the shape of its chief executive 's face .

  10. 在今年1月迈克尔•戴尔(MichaelDell)接替凯文•罗林斯(KevinRollins)担任公司首席执行官的时候,对戴尔及其战略的审视都迟了一步。

    By the time Michael Dell replaced Kevin Rollins as chief executive of the company in January , Dell and its strategy were overdue for an overhaul .

  11. 罗林斯说:随着时间的推移,人们开始因达拉斯牛仔队(DallasCowboys,美式橄榄球队)等各种其他的东西知道达拉斯。

    Rawlings says : With time that changed , with the arrival of the Dallas Cowboys [ football team ] and different things that Dallas started to become known for .

  12. 由MatsWahlgren带领的瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究院的科学家通过改变肝素的化学结构创造出一种新的化合物。

    The Swedish team led by Mats Wahlgren have created a new compound by altering the chemical structure of heparin .

  13. 不可否认,戴尔的管理经验比杨致远丰富。他是去年从凯文•罗林斯(KevinRollins)手中重新接过棒子的,到目前为止,效果好坏参半。

    Mr Dell , who admittedly had more managerial experience than Mr Yang , took back the reins from Kevin Rollins last year , so far to mixed effect .

  14. 罗林斯说:“多年以来,那座博物馆一直是来达拉斯的人必须造访的景点。如果有人来达拉斯拜访你,问你下午想干嘛?你会回答说,想不想去六楼博物馆(SixthFloorMuseum)?”

    Rawlings says , " For many years it was the one site that if someone visited you and said , ' What do you want to do in the afternoon ? " you would say , ' Want to go down to the Sixth Floor Museum ? " "

  15. 达拉斯现任市长迈克•罗林斯(MikeRawlings)告诉我:有报道称,在20世纪60年代和70年代初,达拉斯人去外地时,会因为自己是达拉斯人而感到尴尬。

    Mike Rawlings , the city 's current mayor , told me : There are stories of people going to places and almost being embarrassed to be from Dallas back in the 1960s , early 1970s .

  16. 直销业务模式的灵感或许来自戴尔先生,但至少它的有效实施至少在同样程度上要归功于罗林斯。当初这位贝恩(Bain)的顾问加入了戴尔,出任首席运营官。

    The inspiration for the direct business model may have come from the founder , but its effective application is down at least as much to Mr Rollins , the former Bain consultant turned chief operating officer .

  17. 达拉斯现任市长迈克•罗林斯(MikeRawlings)告诉我:“有报道称,在20世纪60年代和70年代初,达拉斯人去外地时,会因为自己是达拉斯人而感到尴尬。”

    Mike Rawlings , the city 's current mayor , told me : " There are stories of people going to places and almost being embarrassed to be from Dallas back in the 1960s , early 1970s . "

  18. 如果你没接听而罗林斯医生也不在

    If you didn 't answer it and Dr. Rollins was gone

  19. 逮捕;拘捕罗林斯已在办公室遭警察拘捕。

    Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office .

  20. 正如罗林斯所说:达拉斯人爱戴总统。

    And as Rawlings says , Dallas loves its presidents .

  21. 他不同意罗林斯医生和我的看法

    He doesn 't agree with Dr. Rollins and me .

  22. 那段录音是由萨尼罗林斯唱的。

    That 's Sonny Rollins singing on that track .

  23. 罗林斯医生我们有约吗

    Dr. Rollins , did we have an appointment ?

  24. 以前有过这方面的先例罗林斯医生

    There 's a history here , Dr. Rollins .

  25. 罗林斯说,即便是奥斯瓦尔德,也将永远在达拉斯的历史占有一席之地。

    Even Oswald , says Rawlings , belongs in the city 's history .

  26. 都可以当着罗林斯医生的面说

    you can say in front of Dr. Rollins .

  27. 您明白吗罗林斯太太明白

    Do you understand , Mrs. Rollins ? Yes .

  28. 桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。罗林斯(1947.6.22,迦纳阿克拉~)

    Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere , and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin .

  29. 安柏就是罗林斯高中的一位

    Amber is " A cheerleader at Rollins High

  30. 1963年11月22日那天,罗林斯在哪儿?

    Where was Rawlings on November 22 1963 ?