
yì hén
  • constriction
缢痕[yì hén]
  1. 推测副缢痕附近异染色质的DNA重复序列可能是在进化过程中通过染色单体不均等交换而逐渐形成。

    It is presumed that the repeated DNA sequences of the heterochromatin near the secondary constriction might be formed gradually in the process of evolution through unequal SCEs .

  2. 其中常染色体平衡易位2例,臂间倒位2例,染色体次缢痕增大和G组短臂增加各1例。

    Two cases were autosomal balanced translocation and two cases were pericentric inversion . The chromosome secondary constriction in one case became wider and the short arms of G team chromosomes in one case became longer .

  3. 丹麦长白猪Ag-NOR仅定位于第10号染色体短臂次缢痕区。枫泾猪、丹麦长白猪Ag-NOR颗粒数是有差别的。

    Danish Landrace NORs were located on chromosome 10 . The number of Ag-NORs were difference between two breeds .

  4. 副缢痕附近SCEs频率较高,且见到不均等交换现象。

    However the frequencies near the secondary constriction were higher and the phenomenon of unequal SCEs was observed in the experiment .

  5. 银染结果显示次缢痕部位为银集核仁组织者区(Ag-Nu-cleolusorganizerregion,Ag-NORs),并表现出数目和结构多态性。

    The results of silver-staining indicate that the regions of secondary constrictions are nucleolus organizer regions ( Ag-NORs ), and it is shown that there are quantitative and structural polymorphism of Ag-NORs in the species .

  6. 次缢痕在第10对染色体长臂上,亦为C-带染色阳性,并与银染显示的标准NORs相一致。

    A secondary constriction appears at a position on the long arm of chromosome No. 10.It is also the position of the " standard NORs " and C-banding positively stained .

  7. 第1对染色体短臂上具次缢痕。

    Chromosome has the secondary constric-tion ( sc ) in its short arm .

  8. 染色体短臂近着丝粒区观察到次缢痕。

    The secondary constriction has been observed on the centromere region of the chromosome No.

  9. 一例带有两条9号染色体次缢痕丢失的患者及其家系的细胞遗传学研究

    Studies on Cytogenetics of A Patient with Two Chromosomes 9 Secondary Constriction Deletion and Pedigree

  10. 三种在臂比值和次缢痕的有无、位置方面存在差异。

    However , the SAT-chromosome and the secondary constriction were not found on any chromosome present .

  11. 但是染色体形态,如臂比值和次缢痕的位置和数目存在一定差异。

    They differ from each other both in chromosome shapes and the positions of secondary constrictions .

  12. 有丝分裂早中期每条染色体的的两条染色单体并排平行连接在一起,并出现有限的连接点,但没有观察到初级缢痕出现,甜菜夜蛾染色体为弥散着丝粒染色体;

    The chromosomes had some associations of the chromatids , but did not display primary constriction . Beet armyworm possess holokinetic chromosomes .

  13. 在甘肃白猪的两大地方类群中,临夏类群第8对染色体上次缢痕出现的频率高于武威类群。

    In two native groups of Gansu white pig , the frequencies of secondary constrictions in 8th chromosomes in Linxia group were higher than in Wuwei group .

  14. 染色体的主缢痕,使姐妹染色单体连在一起,在其两侧各有一个由蛋白构成的动粒。

    Centromere & The primary constriction on the chromosome , a region at which the sister chromatids are held together and at which the kinetochore is formed .

  15. 在蚕豆异常生长的植株的核型中,由M染色体次缢痕断裂所产生的随体断片高约36.63%;

    In the karyotypes of abnormally growing plants of Vicia faba , frequency of satellite fragments ( SPs ) produced by breakage of secondary constriction ( SC ) of M chromosomes is about 36.63 % ;

  16. 9和16号染色体长臂次缢痕增长的异态类型引起的早期生殖障碍发生率较高,均在50%以上。

    The incidence rates of early reproduction inability were more than 50 % in people with long arm constitutive increasing of chromosome 1,9 and 16 . Results : There was corelation between chromosome heteromorphism and reproduction inability .

  17. 14号染色体为短臂中部具次级缢痕的中着丝粒染色体,是小熊猫的标记染色体,其着丝粒区显示强阳性C-带。

    Chromosome 14 , with a secondary constriction on the short arm , is a metacentric chromosome . Only this marker chromosome of Red panda display a very strong positive centromeric C-band which is very similar to that of giant panda 's marker chromosome .