
  • 网络green tourism;Green travel
  1. 绿色旅游发展规划的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Green Tourism Development Planning

  2. 在产品开发中,要努力开发和推广绿色旅游产品。

    In product development , strive to develop and promote green tourism products .

  3. 他们有两个主要目的,其中一个目的是鼓励绿色旅游。

    They have two main purposes and one of them is that they want to encourage green travel through it .

  4. 第五章从生态出发,提出了绿色旅游营销,以及我省的绿色营销策略。

    Chapter five According the Sichuan tourism character green marketing is suggested .

  5. 他穿了一套稀奇古怪的衣装,粉红色裤子、绿色旅游鞋。

    He wore an outlandish outfit of pink pants and green sneakers .

  6. 打造中国西部绿色旅游供应链

    Building Tourism Green Supply Chain in Western China

  7. 西部绿色旅游产品的竞争优势:一种博弈理论分析

    The Game Analysis on the Competitive Advantage of Green Tour Product In Western Tourism

  8. 绿色旅游消费的路径选择

    Routes of Realization for Green Tourism Consumption

  9. 浅谈绥江县湖滨竹林生态绿色旅游的发展前景

    Brief Talk on Prospect of Ecological Tourism of Bamboo Sea in Lakeside of Suijiang County

  10. 发展广西绿色旅游浅论

    On Developing Green Tourism in Guangxi

  11. 黄龙立足于绿色旅游的观念,服务日趋完善成熟。

    Huanglong , based on the concept of green tourism is perfecting its service every day .

  12. 试论绿色旅游的实现形式

    The Realizing Form of Green Tourism

  13. 第五部分,分析了山岳型旅游地绿色旅游开发存在的困难,并提出了战略对策。

    Part V , of mountain tourism and green tourism development of the difficulties and made a strategic response .

  14. 当然我也希望对2个绿色旅游的新手来说这个度假不要太折腾了。

    Yet I also wanted a vacation that would not be too jolting for a couple of green travel novices .

  15. 摘要开展绿色旅游是旅游资源和旅游业可持续发展的有效途径。

    Developing green tourism is an efficient way to achieve the sustainable development of tourism and the efficient protection of its resources .

  16. 第三部分是本文的理论研究核心,即山岳型旅游地绿色旅游开发模式研究。

    This article is the third part of the core of theoretical research , mountain tourism and green tourism development model study .

  17. 中国东部福建省省会福州市,印有‘绿色旅游’字样的标语出现在多数繁忙的街道的上空。

    In Fuzhou , capital city of the eastern Fujian Province , banners printed with " Green Travel " appeared in most busy streets .

  18. 草原坪台上覆盖着草甸,岩溶峡谷内长满竹林及阔叶混合林,是开展多种旅游项目不可多得的绿色旅游资源。

    The meadow platform is covered with meadows , and bamboos and bushes grow in karst gorge , which are very good tourism resources .

  19. 我国西部地区旅游业也能够从旅游资源特点和市场条件出发,积极发展生态旅游,开发绿色旅游产品。

    Western tourism must positively develop ecological tour and green tour products on the basis of its feature of the tour resources and the condition of market .

  20. 皖西红色旅游在近期应采取的发展战略是:(1)红色、绿色旅游资源综合开发战略;

    The red tourism developing strategy in West Anhui in the near future is : ( 1 ) the red and green traveling resources comprehensive development strategy ;

  21. 新疆红色旅游具有与民俗旅游相结合、与军垦文化相统一、与绿色旅游有机结合的特点。

    The red tourism in Xinjiang is having the characteristics of being combined with the folks tourism , merged with the military cultivation culture and the green tourism .

  22. 在资源稀缺的今天,九寨沟立足绿色旅游的观念,服务设施应日益完善、发展成熟。

    At the present , due to the resource scarcity , Jiuzhaigou should hold onto the idea of green tour , and perfect the service equipments day by day .

  23. 分别对山岳旅游规划开发和绿色旅游的研究现状进行了归纳总结,并阐述了论文选题背景和意义、研究思路和方法。

    Summary respectively on the mountain tourism planning and development , and the research Status of green tourism , Papers topics discussed the background and significance of research ideas and methods .

  24. 基于这一点,分析了广西发展绿色旅游的资源优势,并概略地提出了广西发展绿色旅游的基本思路。

    Basing on this view , the author analyses the tourist resource superiority for green tourism in Guangxi , and then puts forwards some ideas to develop green tourism in Guangxi .

  25. 本文通过对黄土人家的情况介绍,说明这是一座优秀的绿色旅游建筑,是开发利用黄土资源的优秀典范。

    The paper introduces the circumstances about the " Yellow soil Housing " which is showed an excellent green tourist building and an outstanding model exploiting and using the yellow soil resources .

  26. 休闲农业是现代特色农业和旅游业相结合的一种新型产业,随着国内消费观念的转变,绿色旅游观念的盛行,休闲农业渐入人心。

    Agritourism is a type of new industry which integrates modern Agriculture and Tourism industry . Along with the transformation of consumption concept and the popularity of Green Tourism concept , Leisure Agritourism becomes more and more popular .

  27. 西部地区是中国旅游资源宝库,但生态环境脆弱,保护西部生态环境是发展西部旅游业必须遵循的前提,而打造中国西部绿色旅游供应链是西部旅游业可持续发展的必由之路。

    Western Region was the tourism resources treasury of China , but its ecological environment was fragile . Energetically developing ecotourism and building tourism green supply chain would promote the sustainable development of western tourism and western economy .

  28. 随着全球气候问题和环境问题日益突出,一种绿色旅游方式&农业旅游逐步被世人所追捧,农业旅游的发展对实现低碳目标以及提高旅游经济效益都具有较大的促进作用。

    With global climate and environment issues increasingly prominent , a way of green tourism & agricultural tourism is gradually popular , the development of agricultural tourism can help realize the goal of low carbon and improve economic efficiency .

  29. 本论文阐述的是绿色旅游是为了在环保的前提下振兴农村经济同时满足城市人的旅游需求而摸索出的可以被认可的方案。

    This thesis describes the aim of green tourism as a program that , while maintaining the precondition of ecological protection , simultaneously fulfils the goals of invigorating the rural economy and satisfying the tourism desires of urban dwellers .

  30. 要充分利用该地旅游资,打造绿色旅游产品,采用多种投资方式,培养一支高素质的旅游从业队伍,使淇县旅游业得以快速健康发展。

    It can make the tourism of Qi County develop fast and healthy to make full use of the local tourist resources , produce green tour products , adopt different ways of investment , develop a tourism contingent of high quality .