首页 / 词典 / good

  • coil up;tie up
  • 把长条形的东西盘绕起来打成结:~结。~起头发。

  • 卷:~起袖子。

  • 控制:~摄。~毂(指控制交通枢纽)。


(盘绕起来打成结) coil up; tie up:

  • 绾个扣儿

    tie a knot;

  • 绾起头发

    coil one's hair; wind coils of hair

  1. 改革旧序与孝悌伦理的绾合

    The Synthesis of Old Order Reforming and Filial Piety Ethics

  2. 愿你俩用爱去绾着对方,彼此互相体谅和关怀,共同分享今后的苦与乐。

    May you two Wan with love to each other and the mutual understanding and care , Shared future pleasure and pain .

  3. 明代浙中王门黄绾(1480-1554)在阳明学派中是一个颇具争议性的人物。

    Huang Wan ( 1480-1554 ), a member of Yangming School in the middle of Zhejiang province , is a rather controversial figure .

  4. 数千年的发展,中国古典诗词与花鸟画早已绾结在一起,它们互相借鉴,相得益彰。

    Being developed for thousands of years , the Chinese ancient poetry and the Chinese flower and bird painting heavily influence and even merge each other .

  5. 细逐流水,往事斑斓莫如此境,轻绾发丝,无需忧伤,只在花开的日子绽放的在热烈一点。

    Fine by running water , so throughout the past gorgeous Mo , light string together hair , no sadness , only the flowers blooming in the warm days of1:00 .

  6. 红绶向左右绾住麦稻而下垂,把齿轮分成上下两部。

    The red ribbon coils up the wheat and rice on the left and right of the cogwheel and hangs down , dividing the cogwheel into an upper and a lower part .

  7. 通过对《周易》艮卦的溯源及艮止体用的分析,揭示黄绾如何从形上的本体一步步过渡到形下的工夫。

    Based on the 《 zhouyi 》 Gen trigram traceability and " GenZhi " Noumenon analysis , reveals how Huang Wan from metaphysical ontology step by step transition to shape the work , the justice into the mind .

  8. 本文将诗歌研究和妇女史研究相绾合,选取了眉黛、裙装、钗饰、妆镜、扇子、秋千六类具有女性特征的物事作为研究对象。

    This text combines the study of the poem and woman history together , and choses six kinds of things with the characteristics of female as the research object , which is brow , skirt , hairpin , mirror , fan and swing .

  9. 如果你正在考虑自己的脸型适合什么长度的头发,现在你不需要再咨询发型师,做很多研究,或者将自己的头发绾到后面,侧视自己的脸来想像自己是不是适合留短发了。

    If you 're thinking about the right hair length for your face , you don 't need to consult with a stylist , do a lot of research , or pull back your hair , squint your eyes and try to imagine your face with a short hair style .
