
  • 网络Sericite schist;Pinal schist
  1. 综合绢云母石英片岩和砂岩动态力学性能的对比结果可知,砂岩比绢云母石英片岩对应变率的变化更敏感。

    The dynamic mechanical comparison results of sericite-quartz schist and sandstone show that sandstone is more sensitive to strain rate than sericite-quartz schist .

  2. 在绢云母石英片岩中开挖隧洞,使用多臂钻造孔爆破,出现钻孔有规律的弯曲现象,影响了钻爆速度和成洞质量。

    When we dig a tunnel in sericite quartz-schist with dobby drills , regular bending of the boreholes appears , which affects drilling speed and the borehole quality .