
  • 网络John Taylor;John Tyler
  1. 其他受到邀请的名人包括杜兰杜兰乐队(DuranDuranband)成员约翰·泰勒(JohnTaylor)、H&M公司首席执行官卡尔・约翰・佩尔松(Karl-JohanPersson)以及高尔夫球员杰斯佩-帕尼维克(JesperParnevik)。

    Other well-known invitees were Duran Duran band member John Taylor , the CEO of fashion retailer H & M , Karl-Johan Persson , and golfer Jesper Parnevik .

  2. 但是科学家约翰·泰勒说,研究小组因为缺乏油画上的画笔路径的细节而沮丧不已。

    But scientist John Taylor said the team had been frustrated by the lack of brush stroke detail on the painting .

  3. 1841年的今天,约翰·泰勒就职成为美国的第十任总统。

    1841-John Tyler is inaugurated as the10th President of the United States .

  4. 约翰·泰勒是美国第10任总统,任期自1841年至1845年。

    John Tyler was the tenth President of the United States , serving between 1841 and 1845 .

  5. 57岁的约翰·泰勒在调到财政部之前,斯坦福大学的执教生涯使他成为了知名的货币专家。

    Taylor , 57 , gained prominence as a monetary expert at Stanford University before coming to Treasury .

  6. 约翰·泰勒说,在加州举行的乒乓球比赛将重温1971年著名的乒乓外交,同时也放眼8月在北京举行的奥运会。

    John Taylor says the California tournament looks back to 1971 and its famous ping-pong diplomacy , but also looks forward to the Olympics , which will be held in Beijing in August .