
  • 网络milia;Milium;whiteheads
  1. 3例有口腔损害,伴血疱,萎缩性瘢痕和粟丘疹。

    Mucosal involvement was present in 3 cases with bloody blisters , atrophic scar and milia .

  2. 结果其中50例寻常疣,8例传染性软疣,42例皮赘,5例线状表皮痣,6例粟丘疹治愈率均为100%,无1例复发。

    Results There are 50 cases of common verrucosis , 8 infectious verrucosis , 4 skin neoplasm , 5 linear verrucosis , nevus , 6 papular eruption ( chestnut color ) . The curative effect by red-hot needle is 100 % . No return of pain can be found .

  3. 夏季分装时,面部异常感觉与头昏、乏力、恶心等全身症状及皮肤出现红色粟粒样丘疹者较冬季时为多。

    General symptoms such as abnormal facial sensation , dizziness and fatigue , as well as miliary red papules on the skin were more obvious in summer than in winter .