
bù jì
  • bookkeeping;book keeping;account book
簿记 [bù jì]
  • (1) [book keeping]∶会计工作中有关记账的技术

  • (2) [account book]∶符合会计规程的账簿

簿记[bù jì]
  1. 通过反编译这个类,就可以发现为了实现这个类,我们需要大量的簿记(bookkeeping)过程。

    A decompilation of the class reveals the somewhat extensive bookkeeping needed to pull this off .

  2. 这种流程支持可以具有广泛(并且完全开放)的形式,范围从动态规则检查,到提供在线(例如,F1键)流程帮助,再到自动化簿记工作。

    This process support can come in a wide ( and completely open-ended ) variety of forms , ranging from on-the-fly rule checking , to offering online ( e.g. , F1 key ) process help , to automating bookkeeping .

  3. 我厌倦了当簿记员。

    I was tired of being a bookkeeper .

  4. 暗资金池允许投资者在交易所或另类交易平台中的公众订单委托簿记(publicorderbook)之外,匿名进行大宗股票交易。

    Dark pools allow the anonymous trading of large blocks of shares away from the " public order book " on an exchange or alternative trading platform .

  5. EdwardLee&Company,CPA-本港会计师事务所,提供高效专业服务,包括成立公司,簿记,核数,报税及公司秘书,并为小型企业推荐会计软件。

    A local audit firm provides efficient professional services on company formation , book-keeping , audit , tax planning , secretarial services and accounting software for small businesses .

  6. 因此,在巴西国家石油公司寻求通过增发募集资金之际,该公司指定中国工商银行(icbc)为簿记行的决定,被认为明显是为了进一步利用中方的这种兴趣。

    So , as Petrobras looks to raise capital with its secondary share offering , the decision to name industrial and Commercial Bank of China as a Bookrunner is being seen as a clear effort to further tap this Chinese interest .

  7. 一个人可以在几个月内成为一个熟练的簿记员。

    A person might become a reasonably proficient bookkeeper in months .

  8. 新的簿记员说帐目一塌糊涂。

    The new bookkeeper says the accounts are a shambles .

  9. 经济的发展直接决定了簿记的发展。

    The development of bookkeeping is determined by economic development .

  10. 维护审核跟踪和自动化簿记工作,以便能够追究团队的责任。

    Maintain audit trails and automate bookkeeping so that teams are accountable .

  11. 它要求某些种类的簿记保存有关交易的记录。

    It requires some kind of bookkeeping to keep records about transactions .

  12. 你需要相当精通簿记才能承担这项工作。

    You need some proficiency in book-keeping for this job .

  13. 会计、簿记、算机科学的理论与应用。

    Accounting , Book keeping , Theories and Applications of Computer Science .

  14. 在那儿,他们还学习簿记、会计和速记。

    There they also learnt book-keeping , accounts and shorthand .

  15. 我还学过簿记、打字和公共关系。

    I studied bookkeeping , typing and public relations .

  16. 复式簿记两大学说的逻辑结构

    Logical structures in two primary theories of double-entry book-keeping

  17. 请你做完你的簿记工作好吗?

    Would you please catch up on your bookkeeping ?

  18. 该交易唯一簿记管理人高盛拒绝置评。

    Goldman , the sole Bookrunner on the deal , declined to comment .

  19. 处女座穿着熨帖的套装,逢人便说自己是簿记员。

    Virgo wears a neatly-pressed suit and tells everyone they 're a bookkeeper .

  20. 赛利一天到晚勤勤恳恳地当一个好簿记员和售货员。

    All day long Sally was a good and diligent bookkeeper and salesman .

  21. 商学院教青年簿记。

    In the business colleges , young men are taught to keep books .

  22. 审计师有责任去记录公司簿记。

    The auditor is responsible to maintain accounting records .

  23. 我想我可能成为贵公司的好簿记员。

    I think that I should probably make a good bookkeeper for you .

  24. 我们相信,即使日常会计和簿记功能值得特别待遇。

    We believe that even routine accounting and bookkeeping functions deserve special treatment .

  25. 簿记员的工作是记录财务数据。

    The bookkeepers work is recording financial data .

  26. 为了简洁地解释差异现象,会计师建立起簿记系统。

    To explain the difference briefly , the accountant sets up a bookkeeping system .

  27. 复式簿记起源的问题,是会计史研究中的重大问题。

    The origin of double-entry bookkeeping is a major part of accounting history studies .

  28. 在计算机时代,人们正逐渐使用计算机进行详细的簿记工作。

    At the computer times , people are using computers to do detailed bookkeeping .

  29. 也就是说,当会计师比当簿记员难得多。

    That means being an accountant is much more difficult than being a bookkeeper .

  30. 税收,簿记和其他会计相关的东西应被视为一个专家。

    Taxes , book-keeping and other accounting related stuff should be treated by an expert .
