
lǒu zi
  • basket
篓子 [lǒu zǐ]
  • [basket] 用竹篾、荆条、苇篾等编成的盛器,一般为圆桶形

篓子[lǒu zi]
  1. 大的足够放蒲式耳的篓子。

    A basket large enough to hold a bushel .

  2. 篓子的三维空间、形状和走向也非常依赖于数据。

    The dimensions , shape and orientation of the basket also depend very much on the data .

  3. Nate才是绅士,他不会捅什么篓子。

    Nate is a gentleman . He would never cause a scene .

  4. Nate才是绅士,cause:使发生,导致scene:当众出丑,(尤指)在公共场所吵架(或打闹、发脾气、举止粗暴等)他不会捅什么篓子。

    Nate is a gentleman . he would never cause a scene . -

  5. 捅篓子?我做了什么?

    What I almost made happen ? What did I do ?

  6. 我捅出了一些篓子,希望能亡羊补牢。

    I messed something up . I 'm trying to make amends .

  7. 每个人都捅了篓子,但我是罪魁祸首。

    Everybody screws up , but I 'm the screw-up .

  8. 哦,我爱死你们东部来的话篓子了。

    Oh , how I love the eastern witty boys .

  9. 不一会儿就给换了一个空篓子。

    It was soon replaced with an empty one .

  10. 你怎么会捅这么大的篓子?

    How did you ever screw up so bad ?

  11. 捅了篓子那个人是我。

    I was the one that screwed up .

  12. 要是我是你的话,我就暂时不去捅篓子。

    I 'd lay off stirring up trouble for a bit if I were you .

  13. 我这个篓子真的捅大了我很抱歉好吗?

    And I 'm fucked up really huge , and I 'm sorry , okay ?

  14. 我给每个数值一个具体形象并把它结合到篓子上,这有点儿像把数字当成积木块那样使用。

    Numbers function a bit like Lego pieces in that I assign each value a physicality that gets integrated into the basket .

  15. 米尔巴赫为她的艺术选择的媒介是编织篓子,因为篓子代表一个可以标示原始数字的三维坐标系。

    The chosen medium for Miebach 's work is basket-weaving , because it presents a three-dimensional grid on which to plot raw numbers .

  16. 《拜见岳父大人》里格雷格尽全力来讨好未来岳父,给他留个好印象,但是他的坏运气使得他捅了一个又一个篓子。

    Greg is doing his best to make a good impression on his future dad-to-be in Meet the Parents , but his bad luck leads to disaster after disaster .

  17. “事先我从来不知道篓子会是什么形状,这经常让我伤神。”米尔巴赫在接受皮博迪埃塞克斯艺术馆的采访时这样说。

    " I never know what the shape will be beforehand , which often leaves me scratching my head ," said Miebach , in with the Peabody Essex Museum .

  18. 从准备考研那天起,我们就把所有的焦虑和向往,放弃与希望一个一个捡起来,放到心里这个篓子。

    Since we began to prepare for the entrance examinations for postgraduates , we have picked up all the emotion into our heart , such as anxiety or desire , retreat or hope .